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Michael AdkinsSenior Content and IA Strategist, Digital Health Strategy

As part of Perficient's Digital Health Strategy team, Michael partners with healthcare organizations to create informative, conversion-centered content for a variety of applications, including websites and blogs. Michael writes content that highlights clients’ service-line offerings, expertise in unique treatments, differentiators in competitive markets and additional factors that are important to patients.

Blogs from this Author

Going Over Every Detail

Healthcare Messaging Matrix: 4 Ways This Asset Can Supercharge Your Content Strategy

Healthcare content marketing requires time, effort and strong strategy — three resources that are always in demand within healthcare organizations (HCOs). Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audiences means figuring out what those audiences want and showing why your team is the best choice to help them. A messaging matrix can play a key […]

Generative AI in Healthcare: 6 Do’s and Don’ts to Harness This Powerful Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) has exploded onto the scene in most industries. And the healthcare field is no exception. Faced with growing workloads, shrinking margins and the ever-present “do more with less” mindset, many in healthcare are looking to generative AI as the next revolution in healthcare delivery, management and marketing. We’re bullish on the concept […]

A physician reviews healthcare content with a futuristic holographic overlay while a stethoscope rests on a laptop.

Healthcare Content Audit: 6 More Benefits for Your Organization

I first published the article “6 Reasons You Need to Conduct a Content Audit” back in 2019. I just updated it recently — something you should do regularly for your older blog content — and it still has good insights as to the importance of a content audit for your healthcare organization (HCO). But I […]

A hand arranges building blocks that have images relating to healthcare, including a medical cross, a capsule, a heart, a medical bag, a wheelchair, a stethoscope, a syringe and a pill bottle.

Healthcare Information Architecture: 4 Ways It Can Benefit Your Organization’s Digital Experience

Your healthcare organization (HCO) could have the best content imaginable on your website. But if your users can’t find it quickly and intuitively, it’s not going to do what you want it to do. And it’s probably not going to help you with your conversion goals. That’s why content is only part of the equation […]

Doctor Using A Digital Tablet In A Modern Hospital

Conversion-Centered Content: 5 Secrets Your Healthcare Organization Needs to Know

Conversions are healthcare marketers’ lifeblood. After all, most of the effort you spend on audience outreach and engagement, apart from simple brand awareness and public-service campaigns, comes with the ultimate goal of getting those audience members to become patients, members or consumers of your healthcare organization (HCO). That means you need a plan behind each […]

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6 Reasons You Need to Conduct a Content Audit

What’s the state of your healthcare organization’s content right now? How do you know? Each piece of your content tells readers a story about your healthcare organization (HCO). And if you’re not regularly taking stock of your content through a content audit, those old webpages, blog articles and other items may be telling a story […]

A healthcare provider's hands typing on a laptop with a stethoscope, a pen and a clipboard in the foreground

Healthcare Decision-Making: Content Types for Each Stage of the Process

In the healthcare and life sciences space, good content strategy and content creation are rooted in scientific principles. We base our work on key tenets of behavioral science and psychosociology. One of the most important of these that forms a foundation of our work on healthcare personas and journey mapping is the Transtheoretical Model, which […]

A healthcare provider with a blank ID badge

Brand Archetypes in Healthcare: Finding Your Organization’s Personality

When we work with healthcare organizations (HCOs) on their marketing and content strategies, our clients are typically concerned with identifying their audiences. But competition in the healthcare and life sciences industry is heating up. And HCOs have a problem with consumer trust they historically haven’t had to face as much as other industries. So it’s […]

A back door showing computer code

Healthcare’s Digital Back Door: One Term, Two Meanings and How (or Whether) to Use It

We’re all about opening doors for consumers, members and patients in the healthcare space. We shared a three-part series on the digital front door designed to help healthcare organizations (HCOs) create cohesive experiences that are welcoming to consumers. But having a digital front door implies that a digital back door exists. And therein lies the […]

A mother and her caregiver daughter looking at the daughter's smartphone together

Caregiver Healthcare Content: When the Patient Isn’t Your Audience

Most of the time, when you’re writing healthcare content for a provider organization, we recommend writing directly to the patient. Writing directly to them helps foster feelings of warmth and connection between your healthcare organization (HCO) and the potential patient. But what happens when you’re writing for the caregiver, rather than the patient? The Centers […]

An image of a tablet, a pen, glasses, a stethoscope and various charts

Healthcare Blogs: 7 Tips for Finding Article Topics That Resonate

We’ve written before about how crucial healthcare blogs can be to your organization’s messaging and outreach strategies. However, it’s not enough just to have a blog. Your team also has to contribute to it regularly. You likely should be posting at least once a week. But that number may be higher if you’re in a […]

Healthcare Writing Training: 5 Ways Your Content Team Can Benefit

It can seem like training is never-ending in the corporate setting — particularly in the healthcare industry. You’ve got compliance training, processes training, training from corporate leadership, onboarding training for new team members and more. But there’s one more type of training your healthcare content strategists and marketers need that you’re (probably) not doing: healthcare […]

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