On Saturday February 20, 2016, 57 cities in 28 countries all over the globe celebrated an annual meeting of information architects, content strategists, user experience designers, developers and students. This year’s theme was “Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere.” The thought is that information is pervasive and it is “architected” by people everywhere whether or not they […]
Grace Lau
Grace is an Information Architect at Perficient's Experience Design agency, PerficientXD in drought-ridden, sun-baked Southern California. She received her MLIS from UCLA, where her graduate portfolio focused on information-seeking behavior in online communities, gaming, and communities of practice. Since then, she has 9 years experience working in-house and as a consultant doing both strategic and tactical design. She has worked on large intranets and websites, eCommerce and search systems, a content management system, and a mobile app.