In the last twenty years IT has gone from a department in the basement to an operations-critical unit with great visibility in the organization. While the need for technical professionals is growing rapidly each year, molding technical professionals into elite project managers is a challenge facing many organizations. Successful IT project managers are now challenged with new […]
Eric Osterman

Blogs from this Author
Perficient Hackers Softball Team Continues Undefeated Season
The Perficient Hackers are returning to the softball field this fall after a two-year absence. Team member TL Stephanchick recently took some time from his busy schedule to sit down to talk about Hackers softball tradition. Q: It’s been a few years since the team has taken the field. What do you think is going to be […]
What Skills Should Developers Invest In?
Technical professionals are constantly refining their development skills to for both their own personal and professional advancement, and also to produce the best possible product for the end user. But how does a developer decide where to invest time and money in developing their skills? David Tucker, VP of Technology at Universal Mind, recently compiled a list of the 10 areas he feels […]
5 Ways to Maximize Your Tech Conference Experience
Perficient employees regularly participate in industry events and conferences as speakers, vendors or attendees. Here are five ways they have shared to help maximize the experience: 1) Connect with other attendees before the event – One of the best parts of a conference is getting to network with peers and making new connections. Follow the event hashtag on Twitter and plan […]
Four Ways to Burn Extra Calories During the Work Day
Blog contribution by Katie Charles Healthy employees make for happier employees and working a little bit of exercise into a work day can make an immense difference in how you feel. Exercise is known to release endorphins, decrease stress, and improve self-esteem, but it’s not always feasible for those who travel for work. For those professionals, it can […]
How Organizations Help Their Technical Talent Grow
One of the benefits of being a technical professional is that organizations often invest heavily in training their staff to gain new skills and move into leadership roles. A recent McKinsey & Company article summarizes best practices for developing talent within large organizations. They found that organizations with the most success in terms of projects being completed on time […]
Three Tips for Making a Good Impression at a Campus Career Fair
I’ve been involved with campus recruiting for more than seven years and always get excited when the Fall career fair season arrives. I know that students can feel overwhelmed by all the information packets they receive and blog posts they read with tips for attending a career fair. It’s sometimes hard to determine just how to truly […]
Perficient is Going Back to School!
Want to start your career with an industry-leading IT consulting company? Perficient is on the road and looking for the best and brightest talent out there. We’ll be participating in many college career fairs and also hosting informational Q&A Google Hangouts with our consultants. We know that one of the best ways for us to find […]
A Career Lesson from First Grade Soccer
Contributed by Eric Osterman This week, students across the country return to school and start taking part in their fall activities. Many kids enjoy football, marching band, cheerleading or other activities, but the big event at my house is the start of 1st grade girls’ soccer. Or perhaps it could better be described as “a loose interpretation of […]
How Finding Your First Job is Lot Like Dating
Contribution by Bill Mitchell Looking for your first job out of college can be daunting, to say the least. But here’s an interesting way to look at it: Searching for an entry-level position is similar to the world of dating. Allow me to give you some examples: Think of a career fair as analogous to […]
Do Technical Certifications Make a Difference?
Technical certifications have become popular over the last 10-15 years as a means for IT professionals to validate their expertise. In certain instances, technical certifications may even serve as an alternative to a traditional four-year degree. The cost of certification can vary by industry but a typical price range for training courses and exam fees ranges from a couple […]
How to Eat Healthy While Traveling for Work
Many Americans who were raised on fast food and TV dinners are reconsidering their food choices. Trading the Big Mac for the organic snack isn’t easy and many professionals find that eating while traveling can lead to poor dietary decisions. Here are some tips for how to eat healthy while traveling for work: Bring Snacks from […]