I read a report from Modern Healthcare last week, which analyzed Fitch Ratings showing that healthcare organizations that implemented Health IT also had improved quality and higher profitability. The report showed that these investments in Health IT were integral to these quality and profitability achievements. The key word is efficiency. When hospitals use technology they […]
David Hastoglis

Blogs from this Author
Perficient Ranked in Healthcare Informatics Top 100
I’m glad to announce that Perficient’s healthcare team has again been ranked in the Healthcare Informatics Top 100 list. This year we ranked 85th. Even though Perficient provides technology consulting services across many industries, our ranking among the best in the healthcare industry is an honor based on the hard work of our team of […]
Growth in Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring
This is an exciting time for healthcare technology. We are literally witnessing a transformation in the way that care is delivered, and technology is taking center stage. I have read a number of reports in just the past week about the rise in telehealth, mobile health, and remote patient monitoring. One report showed that the […]
At #IBMExperience This Week: Meaningful Use Requires an Amped Up Web Presence
Web experience is becoming increasingly important within the healthcare space. Web portals, both traditional and mobile, have already gained center stage in the marketing and communication strategies that healthcare organizations create for both patients and affiliated physicians. However, rules around medical record reporting under meaningful use are creating further need for organizations to amp up […]
Inviting Patients into the Healthcare Conversation
Under pressure from healthcare reform, many healthcare organizations are focused on legal and financial issues as opposed to the redesign of clinical care. Ironically, data from IHI shows that healthcare organizations achieve lower costs when they put the highest emphasis on the entire healthcare system that patients use to receive care. By incorporating the critical […]
The IT-Enabled ACO
It’s all the rage. Everyone is talking about it and some have called it the next major healthcare reform to hit the industry over the past 20 years. So what is it you ask? It is the Accountable Care Organization model, more commonly dubbed the ACO. No doubt everyone has been reading, learning and commenting […]
Providers Achieve Financial Effectiveness through Physician Loyalty
It goes without saying that in order to maintain financial viability, healthcare organizations must maintain patient loyalty. There are vast marketing engines in place to capture patient loyalty through the use of portals and other collaborative tools. However, when you take a look at the numbers, such as those published frequently by Gallup, you see […]
Healthcare Board of Directors Go Green
We have noticed a pretty significant trend from our healthcare clients. Many healthcare technology teams are getting requests from their board of directors to reduce the paper waste associated with their meetings and provide for a collaborative environment that can connect them across vast geographic boundaries. Collaboration tools, by way of portals, are the solution […]
Protecting Patient Data in an Interconnected Healthcare System
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. (Hippocratic Oath) I recently read an article titled, “Protect Patient Data from an Inside Job” by Phil Neray of Health Management Technology, which stated, as many news organizations have, that in 2010 healthcare organizations […]
Providers Use of Telehealth and Social Media [Video]
In the health IT world there is a lot of focus on meaningful use. Some are concerned that these discussions are diverting attention away from innovation as a result. Worry not. At the HIMSS conference this year, Perficient interviewed Ken Dean, VP and CIO at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center. Ken agreed that many of the […]
Collaboration Integral to Healthcare Reform [Video]
During the HIMSS conference last month, we heard many speak on the importance of Accountable Care Organizations, meaningful use, and healthcare analytics in driving healthcare reform. In this interview with John White, Director of Perficient’s Healthcare Practice, the importance of collaborative tools in healthcare reform were discussed. John stated that while discussions around the components […]
Increased Access to Data Increases Patient Satisfaction
I recently read that 78% of patients believe EHRs boost care. What was my reaction to this news? I immediately thought, “Just wait until patients see what all of the technologies that EHRs enable can do.” Business intelligence is a perfect example. Data warehouses and data analytics provide physicians with the tools and technologies they […]