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Jennifer Phillips

Blogs from this Author

Getting Engaged: The 5Cs of Social [Part 2]

In my last post, I covered two of the very first steps you should consider when planning your [Social] engagement. This post assumes you’re up on the concepts of having a strong foundation to spring from and that your organization has committed to taking time to LISTEN before jumping into social conversations. If you haven’t […]

Getting Engaged: The 5Cs of Social [Part 1]

So you’re thinking about getting [socially] engaged with your customers, prospects, brand advocates, employees, potential employees, partners, affiliates? Well, congratulations! This is very exciting news. Done right, social media engagement can support many different types of business processes in a way that feels very “real”. Just as importantly, your organization can benefit from improved efficiency […]

What’s a Twitter Firehose, Anyhow?

Ta-da! Salesforce and Twitter have announced their global alliance. This agreement enables Salesforce’s customers real time access of the (more than) 400 million public tweets generated daily and builds on a three year relationship between these social powerhouses. But what’s this got to do with your business (you may be asking)? Good question! Why is […]

Maturity Matters

Let’s Be Realistic A newborn baby can’t be expected to drive to the store to pick up some milk. Even if you really need milk. There are a host of reasons why: the kid can’t even hold his head up (for one), no WAY those legs will reach the pedals, and he’s got a complete […]

Becoming a Social Enterprise

Well, what is a Social Enterprise? Simply put; it’s an organization that weaves social and mobile technologies, platforms, and services into their business processes in a way that enriches Customer relationships and measurably improves the bottom line. Key here? Two words: weaves and measurably. Your organization shouldn’t be attempting to do social “because you have […]