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Celebrating Women Leaders in Consulting: 2 Perficient Colleagues Awarded by Consulting Magazine

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Perficient is happy to announce that Consulting Magazine recently recognized Rupa Amin and Lina Maria Jaramillo Lopera in the 2024 Women Leaders in Consulting Awards. The awards program seeks to recognize women within the consulting industry who demonstrate excellence in their work and who are making an impact. Rupa and Lina were chosen because they embody the characteristics and leadership qualities that make a difference in the industry and pave the way for future women leaders. 

Rupa and Lina join a prestigious group of Perficient colleagues who have been awarded by Consulting Magazine. Erin Rushman and Kim Williams-Czopek were recognized last year for Excellence in Leadership, and Mary-Beth Ostasz and Erin Moloney have also been awarded in previous years. We are proud to have the best and brightest people at Perficient, and this honor shows how colleagues like Rupa and Lina bring an unmatched level of dedication, drive, and passion to their work, and it’s helping forge a brighter future for all.  

Lina was selected as one of the recipients in the “Mentor of the Year” category, and Rupa was selected in the “Excellence in Client Service” category. Let’s hear from each of them about what receiving this award means to them, insights from their career experience, and advice they have to offer. 

Congratulations to you both on this recognition! I’d like to start by talking about the award itself. What does this recognition mean to you?Lina Maria Jaramillo Lopera

Lina Maria Jaramillo Lopera, General Manager, Colombia: I am honored to be recognized by Consulting Magazine as a Woman Leader in Consulting. This recognition is a milestone in my career, representing the many years of research, learning, and introspection that has led me to where I am today. I place a big priority on mentoring my team. I’ve found that the best way to make a difference for them is by putting my experience and knowledge into practice and helping the team grow. This award is a great recognition not only to myself but to all the Perficient colleagues who have placed their trust in me to guide them on their journey, whether it be with their work, their personal lives, or their professional development.  

Rupa Amin V2

Rupa Amin, Director, Commerce: I am deeply honored to be recognized as a Woman Leader in Consulting. This award is more than an accolade for me; it is a profound source of pride that inspires me to continue striving for excellence. It motivates me to make a meaningful difference for my team, my peers, and my clients.

Being recognized for my contributions as a female leader, both within and beyond Perficient, is a significant milestone for me. This honor symbolizes not only my personal achievements but also the progress of women in consulting for their expertise and impact in the industry, giving me a great sense of pride.

Lina, being recognized as a “Mentor of the Year” is quite the accomplishment. Can you share more about your experience as a mentor? 

Lina: Thank you. I practice leading by example by being an approachable mentor guided by purpose, empathy, and confidence to empower others to do their best. I believe in Perficient’s people-first culture and maintain open communication with all of my colleagues.  

I’ve always been committed to sharing my knowledge with others so that they feel empowered to be their best. To achieve this, I’ve had to overcome many challenges. These experiences have influenced how I lead and mentor others. I’ve learned that when I lead by example incorporating integrity, patience, empathy, and love into my everyday interactions, my team will do the same and influence positive change.  

It has been a challenge to play different roles, continue to grow professionally, act as a mentor to my colleagues, and be a mother. However, it all comes down to work-life balance and prioritization. Perficient has given me the resources and infrastructure to achieve that balance.  

As a recipient of the “Excellence in Client Service” award, I would love to hear more about your focus on clients, Rupa. How do you enable client success? 

Rupa: Thank you, Carolyn. With over 20 years of experience in IT and e-commerce research, I bring a diverse skill set to support my team and clients. I focus on enabling client success by customizing strategies to align with their business models and prioritizing industry partnerships. My goal is to bridge knowledge, technology, and process gaps, strengthening the relationship between Perficient and its network of partners.

I believe in actively listening to clients’ challenges, understanding their concerns, and familiarizing myself with their competition. Priority is deeply understanding each client’s unique goals and challenges by asking the right questions to uncover their true needs. Regular and transparent communication is crucial. I keep clients informed about progress, potential issues, and upcoming milestones, ensuring there are no surprises. Every client is different, so I customize the approach to fit their specific requirements. This might involve bespoke strategies, personalized advice, or unique solutions that align with their objectives.

Trust and rapport are the foundation of any successful client relationship. I invest time in building strong, long-term relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. I constantly seek feedback and look for ways to improve my service. This helps me stay aligned with client expectations and adapt to their evolving needs. I believe in empowering clients by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. This could be through training sessions, resource sharing, or ongoing support.

By focusing on these principles, I aim to create a positive and productive experience for my clients, ultimately enabling their success. Leveraging these strategies, I guide my team to address these issues effectively. Ensuring clients feel comfortable and at ease is crucial to fostering a positive and productive experience.

Read More: Rupa Amin Builds a Family Atmosphere while Working with Perficient Colleagues

What’s the best advice – consulting or otherwise – you’ve ever received?  

Lina: I have received two great pieces of advice that have resonated with me throughout my career. The first came from my mother, who said, “You are the owner of your future, you build it.” That taught me that I’m in the driver’s seat of my personal and professional life. I can’t put that responsibility on anyone else but me.  

The second piece advice that has influenced me came from my best friend, who said, “Life is a continuous search for meaning.” Her words have taught me to live my life guided by principles that drive me, to live with purpose – a purpose that’s bigger than myself.  

Rupa: The best advice I have ever received, particularly relevant in the consulting field, is, “Read the room, and be ready to pivot with confidence.” This advice encapsulates two critical skills: perception and adaptability.  

Perception, or reading the room, refers to the ability to gauge the dynamics of a situation, understand the perspectives of others, and adjust one’s approach accordingly. In consulting, this could mean discerning a client’s unspoken needs, recognizing the team’s morale, or identifying shifts in the industry. It’s about being attuned to the subtleties and nuances that can make a significant difference in how we communicate and collaborate.  

Adaptability, or pivoting with confidence, is also key. The world of consulting is fast-paced and ever-changing. The ability to adapt to change and alter the course of action is invaluable. It’s not just about changing direction, but it is doing so confidently. This means not just reacting to change, but embracing, leveraging, and leading through it.  

 This advice has been a guiding principle in my professional journey. It is a piece of advice that continues to resonate with me and shapes my approach to work and life. It is more than just advice – it’s a philosophy for success.  

What advice would you give to a female consultant just beginning her career? 

Lina: The advice I offer to women who are just starting their careers in consulting is to be confident about herself and her knowledge. The end solution we provide is defined by our expertise, experience, and how we communicate our message – not our gender, religion, or political affiliation.     

Rupa: To any female consultant just starting her career, I would advise taking the time to discover your inner consultant and that you know more than you think. This emphasizes two key aspects: self-discovery and self-confidence.   

Self-discovery, or discovering your inner consultant, is about understanding your unique strengths, interests, and values. As a consultant, you bring a unique perspective and set of skills to the table. Take the time to understand these and how they can add value in consulting. This could involve reflecting on past experiences, seeking feedback, or exploring new areas of interest.  

Self-confidence, or understanding that you know more than you may think, is also important. Imposter syndrome can be a common challenge, especially when starting a new career. Trusting in your abilities and the knowledge you bring will take you far. Do not be afraid to voice your ideas and ask questions. Every perspective is valuable, and you have more to contribute than you might initially believe.  

Perficient is proud to celebrate Lina and Rupa for this distinction from Consulting Magazine and for the incredible work they are doing to support our clients, colleagues, and business. They are shattering boundaries as difference makers in the consulting industry. 


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Carolyn Kroupa

Carolyn is a Communications Associate Marketing Coordinator based in St. Louis, Missouri, focusing on Perficient employer branding and corporate communications. She joined the company in May 2022.

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