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Enterprise Data Management Now Included in Oracle’s ISP

Yes To Success!

Oracle has recently announced that Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is now included in the Oracle Implementation Success Program (ISP). For those not familiar with the program, it is helps to ensure customer success by engaging Oracle Development teams in implementations. In addition to EDM, the program is also available to customers who use Planning, Financial Consolidation and Close, Profitability and Cost Management, and Account Reconciliation. The ISP provides direct interaction with Oracle Development through several unique aspects of the program.

Implementation Success Program at a Glance

The ISP provides a framework for collaboration between customers, their partners, and Oracle. The program involves several key meetings between all parties.

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First, a kick-off meeting between Oracle, the customer, and the customer’s implementation partner occurs to ensure that everyone has a basic understanding of the customer’s requirements and background. Also, the meeting allows for a discussion of the key milestones for the project. Lastly, the communication plan between all parties is also agreed upon.

Once the kick-off has occurred, the next major step in the program is for Oracle to review the Solution Design document(s). The customer provides the documents to Oracle via a SR. The document should include requirements, technical design, and technical architecture diagram(s). As part of Oracle’s review process, a formal feedback document will be provided to the customer at the conclusion of the review. Oracle’s feedback is typically provided within two weeks of receiving the documentation from the customer. Oracle will then collaborate with the customer on the feedback.

The collaboration will allow for a joint understanding of the design, a discussion on best practices being applied, and any challenges that may need to be closely monitored during the remainder of the project. Once the solution enters the “go-live” phase of the project, Oracle proactively monitors the application(s). Any issues identified are presented to the customer (and their partner) to help provide awareness and resolution. This helps avoid bigger issues, prolonged “band-aiding” and overall dissatisfaction with the solution.



At Perficient, we highly suggest to all of our clients to utilize Oracle’s ISP. The program costs nothing to join and can greatly aid in ensuring a successful adoption of Oracle solutions throughout the enterprise. Lastly, it’s very exciting to see that the ISP now includes EDM. This speaks to the increasing pace of EDM being adopted by organizations across the globe.

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Steve Bogner, Project Manager

Steve Bogner is Project Manager with 15+ years experience within Perficient’s Corporate Performance Management practice. He is certified in several technologies including Oracle Data Relationship Management and Oracle Enterprise Data Management. He is constantly striving to ensure successful experiences with CPM technologies for his clients.

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