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Life at Perficient

Kim Marcoux Values Communication, Persistence, and the Team Around Her

Kim Interview Pic (2)

Perficient colleagues within our award-winning Optimizely team bring years of experience and vast knowledge to the practice and our clients. We’re proud to have been recently named Optimizely’s 2022 Solution Partner of the Year Award winner, which recognizes our team’s extensive Optimizely expertise, and their dedication and commitment to delivering innovative and impactful solutions to the world’s biggest brands. 

Below is an inside look into Kim Marcoux’s role as a senior lead development representative on the Optimizely team. She discusses her impactful role within Perficient, her interests outside of work, and just how much she loves the team around her.  

What is your role? Describe a typical day in your life.  

My role is senior lead development representative for the Sitecore and Optimizely business unit. My role is mainly about communication and persistence. I am consistently communicating with the LDR team and mentoring new team members which help us bond as a team to drive leads and prospects for the sellers within each of our business units and geo areas for the success of Perficient.  

Communicating with my sellers is paramount and a huge factor in my success. We talk, email, text, send smoke signals, every day. We discuss target accounts, feedback from meetings, prospects, ideas for new campaigns, and the list goes on.  

I am ‘old school’ and love to talk on the phone so that is a valuable tool for me in my LDR quiver. I call prospects, email, and overuse (is there such a thing) LinkedIn. Persistence is also key when reaching out to a prospect. I use the ‘trifecta’ as I mentioned above many times to get a response. I do not stop until it is a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’  

What are your proudest accomplishments both personally and professionally?  

Kim's Sons For Pop Interview

Kim’s two sons

Personally, it’s my children – my boys Zachary and Jeffrey. They are 24 and 23 years old and they are my entire world. My oldest son Zachary is a firefighter/senior EMT. He is compassionate, strong, and puts his whole self into his career saving lives. He is my hero. Jeffrey works part-time and is going to school to be an English Literature teacher. He has a heart of gold and encourages me to enjoy life. We share a love of all things Marvel and Star Wars. They are 17 months apart and have each other’s back and both continue to make me super proud of who they are as people.

As far as professionally, I’ve been in the technology world for 30 years and I’ve been in the LDR role the longest. Personally, I am proud of my career path and the knowledge that I have gained over the years. I enjoy sharing that to help others and use it to propel myself forward, my team, and Perficient. I love what I do, and I think that is what makes me successful.  

What are you passionate about outside of work? 

Spending time with my family. Fall is my favorite time of year and I love to be outside. Apple picking, pumpkin picking, just anything fall related. I live in New England so those are prominent activities here this time of year. I also love to bake, especially making apple crisp and anything pumpkin spice. Other interests I have include playing chess and tap dancing. I was a dancer growing up – tap and jazz. I recently took up tap dancing again. It’s not as easy as when I was younger but still super fun and great exercise.  

Perficient believes in a strong work-life balance. What is one way you accomplish this?  

Kim Snow Storm In Nh

Kim enjoying the New Hampshire snowstorm in 2021

I work from home, so I log on in the morning and go go go until the end of the day. Sometimes I may look at things later, but I try not to. It’s helpful to have a designated start and finish time because it makes you mentally stronger and having that time allows you to accomplish more during the business day. 

What advice would you give to colleagues who are starting their careers at Perficient?  

It is very important to communicate with your team. If you have questions, just ask. Everyone at Perficient is more than willing to help. Some things you may feel like you should know but sometimes when you start a new job you realize that all organizations do things differently. I encourage people to always check with their team to understand how they handle things and ask for advice that they can utilize and adopt into their new regime.  

Why did you choose Perficient? What keeps you here?  

My company was acquired by Perficient and I was fortunate enough to be part of that acquisition. I truly love it here. I have been here for 2.5 years and I genuinely love what I do and the people whom I work with.  

Is there anything you are looking forward to in 2023?  

We are actively continuing to grow the LDR team. With my role, I really enjoy mentoring new members of our group and watching them succeed. When you have the experience and the capability, it not only helps you but the team and Perficient as a whole. Everyone wins. 

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Abby Struttmann

Abby is the dedicated Marketing Coordinator for Perficient’s Sitecore and Optimizely practice. She graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Journalism in 2021. Abby is from Union, MO, and is a proud St. Louis Cardinals fan.

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