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VIDEO: Sitecore and Conversion Rate Optimization

Sitecore A/B Testing

First, let me start with an admission: CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization has always been intriguing to me from a voyeuristic standpoint. (Don’t judge!) If you don’t know why that could be, I’d invite you to check out Hotjar and look into the visitor recording feature. Tools like this one are widely used – and yes, you are being watched. That said, user data is anonymous to the analyst and things like passwords and credit card numbers are completely protected. Still…what FUN!
Maybe this is why there are CRO professionals that can see past the Gladys Kravitz aspects I cling to, and can use tools like Hotjar for the good of companies and consumers alike. Even more fortunate, I have the luxury of working with a leading CRO expert at Perficient Digital, Amanda Bobel – and she knows her stuff. (Talking Master’s Degree people!)

Recently, Amanda and I teamed up to talk about Sitecore, CRO, and how the two work hand-in-hand.

Built into Sitecore are many of the tools and reports that are key to Conversion Rate Optimization. These features do not remove the need for someone like Amanda to properly analyze and improve user journeys and content, but out-of-the-box, it gets you a long way down the road to success. Our conversation led to Episode 2 of my video series focused on key disciplines around Sitecore Strategy. In this episode learn:

  • What is CRO and why is it important in your digital strategy?
  • How can your team work with a CRO analyst?
  • How are test ideas determined?
  • How are test ideas executed?
  • How do you specify targets?
  • How do you determine test goals?
  • How do you report out on test results?
  • When should you test?
  • How is all of this accomplished in Sitecore?

After creating this video, I was very happy to see that Sitecore is more than ready to support the important role CRO plays in digital marketing. Short of some of the features of Hotjar (makes a wish for future feature) the tools are there for success.
As always, please share, comment or reach out to me with questions on Twitter: @Sitecordial

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Rick Bauer, Senior Solutions Architect

As a 5-time Sitecore Strategy MVP and Senior Solutions Architect at Perficient, Rick provides insight, training, and a passion for a fully-realized potential of the Sitecore Customer Experience Platform and Content Hub. He utilizes his years of hands-on Sitecore know-how and certification to help deliver clear solutions and actionable results for marketers - both new to the platforms, or looking to take them to the next level of maturity.

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