We hope this message finds you well and that this newest tip better equips healthcare teams for the critical support currently being delivered to consumers.
TIP: Understand user needs right now – build a site survey feedback loop
Consumers are looking to healthcare organizations to provide guidance and answer key questions during this pandemic. Organizations are working hard to answer those questions but may be missing some key questions, especially questions that may be regional in nature. A simple survey feedback tool can help patients and members let you know the major questions they need answered.
Many of the questions healthcare consumers have are fairly standard: “What are the risks and symptoms?” “Whom should I call for my healthcare needs?” Most of those are being answered both nationally and locally.
But many others are much more regional in nature: “How are certain services or processes changed?” “How can I help my community?”
Whether it’s a dedicated email address that’s highlighted on your COVID-19 update page or a formal survey tool, like SurveyMonkey or Qualtrics, healthcare organizations can provide a communications route for your consumers to submit their unanswered questions. Either way, keep it simple — a basic callout or feedback tab that asks users: “What questions about COVID-19 and its impact do you have that haven’t yet been answered?” Then give an email link or survey tool to submit their questions.
Armed with the specific questions your users are asking, you can provide more unique flavor to your advice and help cement your place as your consumers’ trusted advisers.
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