As Mark Polly discussed in a recent blog post, a newly published study by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services shows that digital leaders are more likely to be successful than followers or laggards. There are many ways a company can improve its digital leadership. For example, CIOs can create a digital advisory board comprised of internal and external experts to advise the executive team, embed IT staff in the lines of business to increase two-way learning, and embrace a coaching framework across the organization.
The drive towards digital transformation originates with the customer, but from there it stretches deep within an organization, impacting every department and weaving a web through your vision and strategy, architecture, technology and operations. It’s a labyrinth, if you will, and to be an effective guide, you need to truly rethink and realign your current strategy to craft a vision that works for your company.
Join Perficient and Forrester Research next week for a roundtable discussion focusing on how companies must structure their organizations across people, process, and technology to achieve a successful digital transformation. The webinar will touch on a broad range of topics from current trends, roadmaps, and technology you can use to create a better vision, to developing the proper tactics, strategy, and the benchmarks that will enable you to demonstrate value to your customers and your company. Read more about the session and register here.