As a Yammer end user, I can certainly appreciate the value enterprise social brings to our organization, as well as my ability to collaborate more effectively with my team, other practice areas, and even partners. It’s easy to use and intuitive.
Given that, I can understand and appreciate that Gartner selected Microsoft as the leader in its most recent Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Social.
There is one thing Yammer’s not – and that’s SharePoint. Many administrators and IT stakeholders who are quite familiar with Microsoft tools and SharePoint aren’t entirely sure of the best way to govern an enterprise social network.
Our Yammer webinars are always a hit – and next week will be no different. On Wednesday, March 25 at 1 p.m. CT, join Rich Wood and Joe Crabtree, two of our enterprise social experts for Succeed with Yammer: Encouraging Adoption with Smart Social Governance to understand how to properly maintain security and compliance while fostering open conversation in an enterprise social context.
They’ll begin by covering the difference between SharePoint and Yammer – from a planning and governance perspective – and they will then move on to real world best practices and #YamTips to move your organization ahead socially and sensibly.
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