Via, I saw an infographic on what Social Content technology buyers user or intend to use. I have to admit I was a bit shocked by the data Eccolo Media was able to find in its survey. While I consider blogs to be a valid and valuable media channel, I haven’t considered Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr to be a top 10 of any sort. So imaging my shock when 34% of respondents said they found content via Facebook…….
Here’s an even more interesting stat:

Eccolo Media’s survey results on what users intend to use for purchasing research in the next 6 months
LinkedIn was winning by a substantial margin, but Facebook took the lead and looks to make significant gains. I find this interesting because I use LinkedIn, YouTube, and blog sites for research purposes, but I haven’t found anything on the more consumer-oriented sites like Facebook.
Looks like I have some more research to do on my own.
Check out the infographic for lot more information. It’s a lengthy one.