Update from the Hadoop Summit: Its only part way through day one and there is an un-mistakable theme: Interactive SQL on top of Hadoop is here, and in a big way. Stinger, Impala, and a number of other niche providers are not promising, but delivering on interactive SQL. Benchmarks, case studies of production clients, hands on demos that you can look underneath the covers, are all on display.
Now back down to earth. Yes, the technology is here. This technology WILL change how we approach not only enterprise data warehousing but enterprise data architecture as a whole! However, it is quite clear that the mindshare on implementing Big Data solutions is not a prevalent as the number of solutions in the market.
It is amazing how few service providers are here at the conference exhibiting. Even with seasoned providers, they are still shoe-horning Hadoop solutions into a traditional model. Most presenters are the software and hardware vendors sponsoring the event, but few are really addressing the how to implement Big Data. This tells us at Perficient that we are on the correct track. Technology is not the commodity, but the thought-leadership is. We at Perficient have developed extensive mind-share in helping organization’s gain value from their Big Data investments. Yes, Big Data technology is exciting and powerful, but it’s the people and the processes that make it real.