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The Social Download | Twitter Goes Public. Let’s Have a Party!

Cake Ice Cream

Your weekly social media news in byte size pieces…

The Bird is Leaving Its Nest
The little blue bird that was born in March of 2006 is finally ready to fly. Twitter has filed for its IPO. With the company being valued at over $10 billion, this is one of the most anticipated public offerings since Facebook went public in May 2012. How did they announce this great news? In 140 characters, of course.
Twitter IPO
Picture This: Instagram with Ads
Instagram has grown to over 150 million users. For those who are counting, that’s a 15% increase since July. History shows us what growth means.
Facebook famously purchased Instagram last year for $1 Billion. It’s about time to see some return on that investment. Will the ads be photos added to the stream? Nobody knows yet. We will have to wait to find out, but expect advertising to develop inside of a year.
Facebook Launches a Search Tool for News Organizations
A handful of news organizations are getting an opportunity to try out a new tool that will allow them to search all public posts by using keywords such as “Syria Vote”  to look inside the chatter on Facebook. Although only available to select news outlets, if it’s successful, this could mean big things for marketers.
Take the Kiddos and Your iPad to The Little Mermaid
Disney is re-releasing The Little Mermaid on September 20th and they want you to grab your kids and your iPad and head to your local theater for a completely different (and bright) movie-going experience. We all know what it’s like to have two screens going at home, but now you can pay big bucks to sit in a theater with dozens of people all on their iPads singing along karaoke-style. If you want to give this new experience a try, download the app before you go under the sea.
Trending topics on….Facebook?
First comes hashtags, then comes trending topics. It had to happen, right? A very small percentage of users are now seeing a trending topics listing on their Facebook page. Much like twitter, the trending topics are a measure of what people are talking about on Facebook. If it is a successful test, it could become available to all Facebook users in the near future.
And a Few Crumbs…
A Romanian Coca-Cola TV ad is the first to include live tweets.
You can now embed Google+ posts on your website.
Facebook makes all ad images bigger and of uniform size.
If I knew you were coming, I’d have baked an Instagram cake and served it with Facebook flavored ice cream.
Social media usage by adults in up 800% in just 8 years.
Facebook’s Head of Consumer Marketing flies over to twitter.
Which byte did you find the tastiest?

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Sharon Suchoval

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