I’m going to use the theme of an earlier post (Windows Azure SQL Database what’s missing?) and ask the same question on another service offered on Windows Azure. The reason I chose these offerings specifically is because I really like them as a developer. Not having to deal with configuring infrastructure and being able to provision these services quickly is a great feature. When I hear other people talk about Windows Azure at events and in the community these offerings aren’t widely talked about. Which is another reason I’m asking specifically about these offerings.
I understand everyone has different opinions, below are a few features I would like to see in SQL Reporting. I understand there is different considerations (performance, security, etc.) to make these features available.
- Additional data sources is a highly needed feature. I would like to be able to connect to on-premises database or web services to get the data I need to build reports. Even allowing data sources from the Windows Azure Store.
- Active Directory Integration would be a great addition. Windows Azure already supports AD in several ways why not allow it to integrated with other services like SQL Reporting and SQL Database.
- Subscription and scheduling functions is a must as well.
Again I invite you to add your suggestions/needs to the list.
By the way, if you need a Windows Azure subscription, here is the link for a free trial.