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Microsoft Windows Intune Wave E

Microsoft came out with Windows  Intune Wave D not to long ago, and now are alreay touting a new version, I am assuming it will be E or Version 5.
From what I have been seeing, this iteration is part of a larger set of product updates that are coming through the end of the year. System Center R2, Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1 (Blue).
Microsoft is doing some really great things with these upcoming releases, and when you combine them all it seems to be quite powerfull, from the sneak peaks I have seen released at TechED 2013.
The one thing I am hearing, is the new Version of  Windows Intune will be more tightly intergrated into Configuration Manager 2012 R2, This will make more a singel pane of glass feel.
From what I understand here is a high level list of new features that will be coming to Windows Intune E.

  •     Company portal – More of a (Metro Feel).
  •     Auto VPN – Launching apps will auto connect you to your VPN, this looks like it will be 8.1 feature.
  •     VPN and Wi-Fi profiles – New VPN and Wi-Fi Policy’s will be available.
  •     Single pane of glass – Full management of devices local or cloud with SCCM.
  •     Mobile device management (MDM) – MDM Policy’s.
  •     Selective wipe – Selectively wipe data from managed mobile devices.
  •     Work Folders – Users with supported mobile devices secure access to corporate resources and file shares that are on Server 2012 R2.
  •     Office 365 cloud connector – Reduces the need to have an on premise connector to Office 365 hosted exchange to connect the services.

I think over these next few months, it will be interesting to see if these features or anything else will be added to Windows Intune. Also to see how integrated Windows Intune will be with the new releases.

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Robert Kuchera

Lead Microsoft Infrastructure Consultant

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