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Digital Asset Management in IBM Digital Experience

I mentioned in a previous blog how IBM is integrating Digital Asset Management (DAM) into WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management. At the IBM Exceptional Web Conference, IBM’s Stephan Hepper is demoing this integration. The DAM is actually the MediaBeacon product and IBM and MediaiBeacon have created seamless integration between the products. By combining both products, you get a really great DAM solution in IBM’s flagship product. IBM is also planning to integrate this with Connections in the future.

This DAM solution provides both the management of the assets and the editing of the digital content. When working on images, for example, you can upload an image and have the system automatically create various resolutions that can be delivered to specific devices. You can also add meta data to the image, which can be used for search customization (facets), personalization and more.

One really nice feature of WebSphere Portal and WCM is Projects. With projects, you make many changes to a site and collect them all into a single project. That project can then be approved and published at one time. The DAM is also integrated with the projects features. This means that image changes within content are also tracked and approved via the projects feature.

In addition to images, you can also manage videos within the DAM. You can edit videos, annotate them with comments and add meta data. Within WebSphere Portal, you can then insert videos into your content. After adding a video to a page, you can then edit the video from within Portal to make changes. Some of the editing features require plugins to video editing software.

You can choose to store digital assets within the MediaBeacon system or within WCM it self. The advantage to storing it in MediaBeacon is that you can take advantage of MediaBeacon’s workflow capabilities. The advantage of storing these assets in WCM is that you can take advantage of syndication to publish content from an authoring environment to multiple production systems.

These capabilities are in preview mode right now and IBM plans to ship the real version later this year.

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Mark Polly

Mark Polly is Perficient's Chief Strategist for Customer Experience Platforms. He works to create great customer, partner, and employee experiences. Mark specializes in web content management, portal, search, CRM, marketing automation, customer service, collaboration, social networks, and more.

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