Last week, we hosted a webinar on SharePoint 2013’s web content management capabilities, “Manage Your Web Content with SharePoint 2013 Mobility and Search.” Speaker Travis Nielsen divided the presentation into three topics: Design, Publish, and Engage. He quickly dove into designer and developer enablement in SharePoint 2013, followed by a demonstration. From there, Travis gave an overview and demo of SharePoint 2013’s search driven publishing model. Lastly, he discussed the importance of mobility, talking though device channels and responsive design.
The attendees asked great questions and Travis wrapped up with enough time to answer quite a few of them. To listen to the webinar in its entirety, along with the Q&A portion, here is the replay:
You can also review the webinar slides, along with the poll results:
SharePoint 2013 has made some vast improvements over SharePoint 2010, specifically within the web content management feature. Training sessions are recommended so that users can get the most out of the platform.