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Experience Design

We want our users to use….

This statement comes up a lot during the initial phases of a design project. On the outside I nod my head, note down the feature or interaction that is being described, but on the inside I’m wondering, “Does your user want to do that?” Frankly, the question I’m thinking about is way more interesting than the feature being described. What people WANT to do is typically the thing that leads to a project’s success and an engaging user experience, rather that being offered features that someone thinks they want to be doing.
So how do we find out what people want to be doing with a certain site, app, or product? It’s simple, you talk to them…scary I know. My friend and co-author Russ Unger recently gave a presentation at UX Thursday in Chicago where he provided attendees with a great overview of user research and how to get started. Below are his slides for the talk and I highly recommend looking them over. After you’ve digested the wisdom presented there, start to think about how you can find, or make, the time to talk with users on a regular basis and begin to hone your site, app, or product to better align with your users needs.


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Brad Nunnally

Brad has been practicing the craft of User Experience for the past 4 years. During that time he has helped clients in the financial, health care management, public utilities, and pharmaceutical management industries. He's provided them with deep insight into their customers and users, and designed engaging experiences that were catered directly for their customers and users. As a Senior User Experience Consultant at Perficient, he's performed a variety of UX activities that allows him to build an empathic link to a variety of people that directly informs the designs he creates. These activities cover the full spectrum of research, modeling, design, and testing. Brad's passion in User Experience Design is centered around the modeling of data gained from user research and the creation of interactive prototypes and wireframes. He's mentored and presented on these two aspects of User Experience Design to people around St. Louis, MO and across the country.

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