On Wednesday, we brought our Microsoft practice and our XD team together for a webinar, “Create Great Search Experiences with SharePoint 2013.” Brian Flanagan, Director of Experience Design at Perficient, quickly dove into the user experience of search, and why it’s imperative to have a good search experience, both on your organization’s intranet and on your public website. Next, he talked about the search process from a user perspective, and explained what factors to consider when it comes to the search experience.
How do you take those aspects and create a great experience? Brian gave attendees a few guidelines. “The Search Playbook” includes three key principles that will drive a good user experience for your search:
- Make it fast.
- Make it relevant.
- Make it mine.
Based on these three tenets, how can we support a better search experience using some of the new capabilities of SharePoint 2013? To answer and transition to the SharePoint side of things, Brian handed it over to Matt Morse, SharePoint Practice Director at Perficient. Matt took the Search Playbook and showed how the principles apply to SharePoint 2013. He shared the capabilities of SharePoint 2013, both in terms of the configurability of SharePoint as a search engine, and its ability to deliver a superior user experience for end users.
The attendees asked great questions and the speakers wrapped up with enough time to answer quite a few of them. To listen the webinar in its entirety, along with the Q&A portion, here is the replay:
You can also review the webinar slides, along with the poll results:
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