Social Media Transforms Healthcare Delivery
Welcome to the first Perficient Podcast! I look forward to using this channel more in the future to open the lines of communication on today’s most important Health IT topics. This podcast is the first in a series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we spoke about how social media is transforming the delivery of healthcare. Stay tuned for future interviews where we will discuss physicians using healthcare technology in the digital age, how doctors cope with technology changes in their practice of medicine, and the impact healthcare technology has on the patient-doctor relationship.
Dr. Nuessle is a pediatrician and owner of Fireside Pediatrics, which is a concierge pediatric practice in Kansas City, Kansas. Dr. Nuessle has 17 years experience in General Pediatrics, and 7 years experience in Medical Genetics. Dr. Nuessle is also active in social media. You can find her on Twitter as @DrNanN or on her blog entitled Dr. Nan’s Fireside Chat where she provides healthcare advice to those caring for children. You can learn more about Fireside Pediatrics at Many thanks to Dr. Nuessle for her great insight into how healthcare technology is used every day in the delivery of healthcare!