I recently tried setting up a SharePoint site for a client within the EMEA data center and noticed I could not logon to the Microsoft Online Service Sign-In Client (SSO.) I tested logging back in to one of my US datacenter accounts and logged in without a problem. After doing some research, it appears the SSO client sets which datacenter your client should logon to, in the registry. Unfortunately, it’s not based on the UserID or related options within the UI. While most customers of Microsoft Online will likely not switch back and forth from a US datacenter service to an EMEA datacenter service, as a Microsoft Partner, I’m starting to find out that we will need to. To simply make this switch, I created two registry files. One sets the SSO client for the US data center and the other sets it for the EMEA datacenter. Below is what you would need in a .REG file to make this happen.
US Datacenter:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
“CertificateIssuerName”=”Microsoft Online Svcs”
“CertificateIssuerName”=”Microsoft Online Svcs”
EMEA Datacenter:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
“CertificateIssuerName”=”Microsoft Online Svcs BPOS EMEA CA”
“CertificateIssuerName”=”Microsoft Online Svcs BPOS EMEA CA”