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Unable to Launch Exchange 2010 EMC

I recently ran into the following scenario while deploying Exchange 2010 for one of my customers:
After installing the first HUB/CAS Server in the environment, I received the following error when launching the Exchange 2010 Management Console:
The following error occurred when searching for On-Premises Exchange server: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request because the server name cannot be resolved.
After much troubleshooting, I finally figured out that the customer had configured a WinProxy Server in their base server image. My customer uses this configuration so Windows Updates can run successfully from the Internet when no user is logged in. Here is the command that I used to show the configured setting:
netsh winhttp show proxy
If no proxy settings are configured, this command will return the following:

There are a couple ways to resolve this issue. One way is to reset the proxy settings back to their default using the following command:
netsh winhttp reset proxy
If you need to retain the Proxy Settings then a better solution will be to configure a bypass list for the WinHTTP Proxy.
For example, the following command will perform two functions:

  1. Configure the server to use a Proxy Server called for Internet connectivity
  2. Bypass the proxy server for any connectivity within the Domain

netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server=”” bypass-list=”*”
Results of the above command will look like this:

One thing to remember about Exchange 2010 is that all management is done via Remote PowerShell, even when opening the Management Tools on an Exchange 2010 Server. Because of this, you need to be aware of proxy and security settings that might prevent Remote PowerShell from connecting to a given Exchange Server.

Thoughts on “Unable to Launch Exchange 2010 EMC”

  1. Andy you’re the man!!
    Thanks a lot this step resolved my issue. My DNS configuration and everything was fine but I wasn’t able to run Exchange MC or Powershell. Thi issue was driving me crazy and any of the other KB or forums websites say anithing like this..

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