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OCS 2007 R2 CWA – PIN Length Part II

As a follow up to my previous post on the CWA PIN Length issue – I have something that solves the issue – for now. Of course it’s not officially supported by Microsoft etc. etc. (MS says it will be fixed in Wave 14… grr!!!) but I think this a pretty clean way to change the display text.

It occurred to me that instead of messing with the ".resource" files (which were in some sort of binary format) that contained the offending string, we could just modify the bit of HTML that was calling the variable in the first place. Jeff Schertz and I spent a little while today hacking through the ".js" files on the CWA server and located the piece that actually referenced the resource file variable. We swapped the variable itself for the whole string of text that we actually wanted. And it fixed the prob. See below for instructions

  1. Edit the DialinForm.js file on the CWA server (you should make a backup just in case):

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2Communicator Web AccessServercwaClientDialinDialinForm.js

  1. Locate the following line containing the string ‘txtNewPINDesc’:

document.getElementById("txtNewPINDesc").innerHTML = txtNewPINDesc_res;

  1. Change the variable with a static description using the desired PIN length:

document.getElementById("txtNewPINDesc").innerHTML = "Your PIN must be at least 27 digits and cannot include letters, spaces, sequential numbers, roman numerals, kanji, klingon, or lewd content. Customize this description as you see fit.";

  1. Reload the Dial-in Conferencing page (you’ll need to do an F5 to refresh – it keeps a cached version of the old text otherwise)
  2. Bingo:

So you can now correctly apply the PIN policy number to your CWA page. I’m sure that if you update/patch CWA, this will all get overwritten, but it’s a really easy fix to re-implement.

But really, I wish this would just get fixed properly sometime before Wave 14 – it’s quite confusing to end users. And plus: who has a 5-digit PIN??? It would be seem to me like something that could be included in the next hotfix / rollup. Who knows – maybe we’ll get lucky.

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