The Yammer team continually measures user interaction on their web site. Analysis of this data and suggestions for improvement lead to minor updates to the user interface over time. You can read more about their process here. Through their A/B testing and rapid deployment process thanks to their cloud infrastructure, enhancements essentially appear overnight instead […]
Posts Tagged ‘yammer’
Office 365 – What’s the Best Plan?
Didn’t you always wonder which plan to pick in the O365 family? So many different SKU’s providing distinct features, storage capabilities, tools, etc. I know while talking to customers one of the initial and biggest question has been around which plan is perfect for them and can they downgrade or upgrade from there. Looks like Microsoft […]
Webinar: Yammer External Networks – Engaging Customers & Partners
These days, there’s much talk about Yammer, and for good reason. Microsoft acquired Yammer in 2012, and since that time, it has become the company’s direction for enterprise social, now integrating with SharePoint Online. While Yammer has clearly distinguished itself as an enterprise social network within organizations, its potential for engaging those outside company walls […]
Compelling Case for Office 365
Everyone has an opinion on “Cloud’ and its effect on the business, for some it’s scary in terms of data security and for some it’s revenue generation and cost savings. There are a number of reasons why cloud computing is so widely used among businesses today. Some of them include Reduction of costs – lower […]
Yammer Analytics – Basic Reports
Yammer contains some basic standard reports to help you understand the status of your Enterprise Social Network. These reports are available in the Apps section of Yammer in both the ‘freemium’ and enterprise versions. From the Apps Directory, find the My Apps section, which is just below the Featured Apps section. In here you will […]
Strengthen Company Culture with Yammer enhanced by HDInsight
In a world of broadband internet connections, online collaboration tools and the ability to work from almost anywhere – office culture can be difficult to sustain. This especially holds true for people who live in large cities (where the commute can be problematic) or in harsh climates (like the never ending winter in Chicago this […]
Microsoft’s Roadmap for Social: Detailed Analysis from SPC14
“Work like a network.” Spend just a few minutes at SharePoint Conference 2014 and you’re bound to hear or see this phrase sooner than later. It’s here in the keynote and it’s here in the signage. It’s here on the lips of the Yammer and Social product marketing people I had the good fortune to […]
SPC 2014 Roadmap Updates – SharePoint 2015 Announced!
One thing is clear at SharePoint Conference 2014, cloud is the future for Microsoft (if it’s not already the present). Jared Spataro kicked off yesterday’s keynote with 4 goals that will shape the future vision of Office. We believe the future of work is all about working as a Network. We believe in personal insights […]
SPC 2014: Yammer External Networks, Engaging Customer and Partner
Our own Rich Wood spoke at the SharePoint Conference. Many think of Yammer as only for employees of a specific company but as Rich points out, that’s limiting the technology. Microsoft actually created a network just for the conference. This is available to all Yammer users who are attendees of the conference. That’s one […]
SPC14: Microsoft’s Roadmap for Enterprise Social
Juliet Wei and Christopher Fiessinger, Microsoft Product Managers gave us a look into where Enterprise Social is headed. Given the many questions on deeper integration between SharePoint and Yammer plus hoped for enhancements made this a packed session, even if it was the end of the day. They put the agenda as: Work like […]
SharePoint 2014 Keynote: Building Amazing Solutions
Quote: Norwegian write code like they win medals…………. More per person than any other country in the world. But first some stats: 3.4 million developers build solutions around SharePoint Microsoft has two key missions in the developer community Give organizations maximum agility to meet business needs Give partners the biggest opportunity Contextual applications When building […]
Perficient announces Rich Wood to speak at #SPC14 on Yammer
Today, Perficient announced that Rich Wood, director of Perficient’s national Microsoft web and social collaboration practice, will present on Yammer best practices at the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2014, taking place next week, March 3-6, in Las Vegas. The Perficient Microsoft team will also be available in booth #308 to discuss all things SharePoint, and they’ll […]