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Posts Tagged ‘sql’

2012 Microsoft Self-Service BI

Expanding on “Microsoft BI –No More Excuses”, I recently updated Denali SQL 2012 (Community Technology Preview CTP3) on my demo machine to work with Microsoft’s latest Self-Service BI (SSBI) tools. The result is a MS 2012 Denali SSBI demo and presentation available now from Perficient’s National MS BI team. Below are the highlights of the full blog […]

Cognos TM1 Drill-Through

What is Drill-thru? Drill-through can be described as the “act of exploring related   information” or the “act of moving between related data via a link of some kind”. More specifically, drill through usually exploits a relationship between “master” and “detail” information. (By clicking a master item in the master information the details of the clicked […]

Additional Tools Make Growing Performance Management Programs Agile and Scalable

At Perficient, we often talk to customers about the technical “requirements” to deliver Performance Management solutions.  Every situation is different – based on chosen platform, user counts and profiles, concurrency, hardware, OS, network, and a myriad of other items depending how deep you want to go. Especially for Business Intelligence, what we always find in […]

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