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Posts Tagged ‘social business’

Dreamforce: Marketing Technology Landscape

Brian Andersen (LUMA Partners) and Robin Bordoli (Marketo) gave a great presentation on the Marketing Technology Landscape.  This area is to broad to get into details in one hour, so they presented an overview of the market and then suggested the following three tactics to cope with the vast amount of change going on: Accept […]

Webinar: Using Yammer & SharePoint to Drive Employee Engagement

With the recent acquisition of Yammer, Microsoft is is now able to truly support social collaboration within the enterprise. Are you ready to take advantage of this? As mentioned in our webinar with Forrester last week, just because you’ve built it, doesn’t necessarily mean that they will come (Field of Dreams, anyone?). A successful social […]

Dreamforce: Managing Social Conversations with Buddy Media

Barbara Meskin from Jim Beam presented how that brand learned how to engage customers through social media on a global scale.  The journey that she decribed included the following steps over two years, although these things were not done linearly all the time: Social Audit – here they had to figure out what they had […]

Dreamforce: Understanding the Power of Content

I attended a panel discussion on the power of content in your marketing efforts.  The panelist agreed that content is really important, but it is becoming clear that lots of content is more important than spectacular content.  Content like white papers or blog posts take a lot of time to put together, so you may […]

Dreamforce: Social Media in Regulated Industries

We had a panel discussion today on the use of Social Media in Regulated Industries.  We focused on Healthcare and Life Sciences, but the same info applies across the industry landscape.  In regulated industries, social media is especially scary because conversations can be negative, can involve complex subjects and can involve regulatory compliance issues.  For […]

Webinar Replay: Forrester & Perficient on CIO & CMO Convergence

On Wednesday, we hosted a webinar on the CIO & CMO Convergence: Microsoft for Cloud, Social & Mobile Enterprise Social Networks. Guest speaker Rob Koplowitz from Forrester, and Perficient’s own Director of Web & Social Collaboration, Rich Wood, discussed what defines an enterprise social network and where the true value lies. Rob kicked off the […]

Presto! The new SQL engine for Big Data

Facebook has been one of the software pioneers when it comes to Big Data.  They have an continuously increasing amount of data that constantly needs to be indexed and queried in a fast, efficient manner.  Facebook originally developed Hive which is a distributed data warehouse that allows for querying and managing of large data sets.  They released […]

Hashtags for Cancer

Over on, Dr. Michael Katz talks about connected health care.  In this blog post, Hashtags in Cancer Care: Embedding Meaning in Digital Health, he proposes a more formal set (“ontology”) of hashtags for cancer information.  While hashtags have traditionally been a means of spontaneously organizing Twitter  tweets, I think Dr. Katz’s idea has a lot […]

Office 365; Beyond email, Innovating for the Future (infographic)

This interesting Office 365 infograpic was recently shared with me.  It contains some pretty impressive numbers 1 billion people on the planet are using Microsoft Word 2 out of 3 information workers are using SharePoint 90 out of 100 Fortune 100 companies are using Lync One in four of Microsoft’s Enterprise customers – Microsoft’s largest […]

How To Do Social Marketing Wrong and Pay a $340,000 Fine

According to Christian Ziberg in the iDownloadBlog, Samsung was recently found guilty of violating fair trade rules by hiring a large number of writers and having employees trash-talk their competitors.   It looks like Samsung asked these people to post anonymous comments on various websites talking up Samsung and talking down other phones.     […]

The CIO and CMO Imperative: Collaboration

Because technology is now a key tool that enables marketing, the CMO – CIO worlds have collided, requiring enhancements to collaboration not only among those two groups, but also across the organization. But what is it that has changed, and what are these new challenges that we face? What’s changed? The business is directing the technology budget. CIOs […]

Perficient & Guest Forrester Talk SharePoint, Yammer and Mobile

The roles of CMOs and CIOs are changing. What was once easy to define – CMOs focused on the brand and sales, CIOs on IT – the line between the two has become increasingly blurred. Why? Well, for starters, a CMO’s role now encompasses social media and digital marketing channels. This includes enabling collaboration and communication […]

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