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Posts Tagged ‘Selenium’

Group of web developers working in an office.

Streamlining Web Automation: A Comprehensive Guide to Using AutoIT with Selenium

In the realm of web automation, handling various scenarios like file upload, file download, and various Windows GUI operations can be challenging. AutoIt, a powerful scripting language and automation tool, seamlessly integrates with Selenium to tackle these challenges. This blog provides a detailed guide on installing and configuring AutoIT and demonstrates its usage with Selenium […]


Parameterize Your Automated QA Test Scenarios With Cucumber

Creation of automated QA test scripts in Cucumber provides a low barrier of entry for your QA team. What is Cucumber? Cucumber is Behavior-Driven Development tool that uses Gherkin for scenario syntax. Gherkin is a simple, non-technical language designed for easy maintenance and readability. Gherkin can easily integrate with open-source tools like Selenium, Appium for […]

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Mastering Basic Authentication in Selenium: Strategies and Techniques

In the realm of web testing, encountering sites with basic authentication is commonplace. Handling basic authentication seamlessly within test scenarios is essential for comprehensive testing coverage. Selenium offers various approaches to tackle basic authentication challenges. This blog delves into the nuances of working with basic authentication using Selenium’s uriPredicate function, exploring different strategies and techniques […]

Colorful Background

Enhancing Test Efficiency: Blocking Unwanted Network Requests with Selenium CDP

In our ongoing journey through Selenium Chrome DevTools integration, we’ve explored mobile browsing simulation, real-time insights with Selenium CDP Listeners, intercepting and mocking network/API responses, and testing failed network requests. Our exploration now delves into enhancing test efficiency by addressing unwanted network requests. This blog will guide you through the process of necessary network calls, […]

Coworkers Team At Work. Group Of Young Business People In Trendy Casual Wear Working Together In Creative Office

Intercepting and Mocking Network Responses with Selenium Chrome DevTools

In the dynamic landscape of Selenium Chrome DevTools integration, we’ve explored simulating mobile browsing and harnessing real-time insights from network responses using Selenium CDP Listeners. Building upon this foundation, our journey now ventures into the realm of intercepting and mocking network/API responses—a crucial skill for comprehensive web testing. In this article, we’ll embark on a […]

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Optimizing Web Testing: Mastering Mobile Simulation with Selenium CDP Device Metrics Override

Introduction Chrome DevTools In the dynamic realm of web development and testing, staying at the forefront of technology is paramount. One indispensable toolset that has become a linchpin in this space is the Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools). DevTools empowers developers and testers alike with an array of features for debugging, optimizing, and inspecting web applications […]

Coworkers Team At Work. Group Of Young Business People In Trendy Casual Wear Working Together In Creative Office

Enhancing Test Reporting using ExtentReports in Selenium

Selenium, a widely-used automation testing framework, can be augmented with powerful reporting tools to provide detailed insights into test execution. One such tool is ExtentReports, a versatile reporting library that seamlessly integrates with Selenium to enhance the visibility and comprehensibility of test results.   Understanding ExtentReports ExtentReports is an open-source reporting library for Java and […]

Freight Dispatcher With Digital Display

Automating Network Simulation in Selenium with Java: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome back to the second part of our network simulation series! In this blog, we’ll explore the exciting world of automating network simulation using Selenium and Java. By incorporating network simulation into your automated testing suite, you can ensure that your web applications are thoroughly tested under diverse network conditions. Let’s dive into the step-by-step […]

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Simulating Network Offline Mode in Selenium 4

Selenium 4 introduces powerful features that allow you to simulate various network scenarios, providing a robust foundation for testing your web applications. In this blog, we’ll dive into the fascinating realm of simulating offline network conditions using Selenium 4 and Chrome DevTools. Setting Up Selenium WebDriver with Chrome DevTools To embark on the journey of […]

Female It Specialist

Exploring Selenium 4 Actions API: Part 2

Welcome back to our exploration of Selenium 4’s Actions API. In this second part, we’ll delve into advanced techniques and real-world applications of the enhanced Actions API. The focus will be on mouse actions, including click and release, alternate button clicks, double-clicking, moving to elements, and drag-and-drop functionalities. Additionally, we’ll provide insights into when to […]

Innovation. Hands Holding Light Bulb For Concept New Idea Concept With Innovation And Inspiration, Innovative Technology

Exploring Selenium 4: Dive into the Actions API

Selenium 4, the latest iteration of the Selenium WebDriver, introduces several enhancements to streamline web automation. One notable improvement is the revamped Actions API. This low-level interface provides virtualized device input actions to the web browser, offering granular control over keyboard, mouse, pen, touch devices, and even scroll wheel interactions. In this blog, we will […]

Lecturer Helps Scholar With Project, Advising On Their Work. Teacher Giving Lesson To Diverse Multiethnic Group Of Female And Male Students In College Room, Teaching New Academic Skills On A Computer.

Capturing Screenshots of Specific Web Elements: Selenium 4

In the ever-evolving landscape of web automation, Selenium 4 has emerged as a powerhouse with a plethora of features aimed at enhancing the testing experience. Among the standout additions is the capability to capture screenshots of specific web elements. This feature not only simplifies debugging but also provides a robust mechanism for visual validation in […]

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