Psssttt! Wanna know a secret? Of course you do! Rumor has it the secret to growing your channel business (and you bottom line) is – partner engagement. You might be thinking (well duh, that’s a given). What you may not have realized is that the rules and means of engagement have changed. Cloud continues to have an […]
Posts Tagged ‘PRM’
New Guide: Channeling the Power of Partners with Salesforce
Next year is shaping up to be a disruptive year in the partner program world as the impact of digital transformation runs deep within the walls of the sales organization. To thrive in a competitive channel partner landscape in 2016, we firmly believe organizations are being forced to think about and do three fundamental things: adopt a digital-first mindset to rethink the partner […]
5 Ways to Connect with Perficient at Dreamforce 2015
Dreamforce is just 21 days away and we’re excited to return to San Francisco to make it a great success for our customers and the Salesforce community – so get ready to be inspired! Head over to our Dreamforce page to learn how you can connect with us, access exclusive Dreamforce content, attend one of our sessions, and most […]
Take Your Community UX to the Next Level
Make Your Salesforce Community Usable and Useful A quality user experience is best achieved when the design is based on user-research that documents user pain points and goals, and maps out user journeys. With better understanding of your users, you can create designs that not only remove barriers but optimize the entire experience. Surface what […]
Making the Decision to Translate Your Partner Community
One of my favorite conversations to have with our Salesforce customers is around translating their partner community. Everyone wants to be able to support users in their native language to make it easier to do business with them, but not everyone has the infrastructure in their partner organization to support language localization. Here are three […]
Enable Your Partners On-the-Go
As our world becomes more mobile, there is more and more of a push to make Partner Communities available on mobile devices. A recent Forrester study confirms that field sales teams at your channel partners increasingly manage their business from their smart phones and tablets, and partner portal adoption is low when companies do not […]
3 Ways to Increase Adoption of Your Partner Community
Partner enablement is one of the key business drivers that prompts businesses to invest in Partner Communities. This is not surprising; to grow your channel successfully, you want to give your partners the best information and tools to enable them to represent and sell your brand. However, partner portal adoption is low and most people […]
Get the Most Out of Salesforce Content in Your Partner Community
According to a PRM report from Forrester Research, partner portal utilization is often low and eBusiness and channel strategy professionals need to understand inhibitors to adoption and key actions to boost partner engagement since partner engagement directly correlates to loyalty and productivity. As a result, channel teams are turning to new methods and modern systems […]
3 Deal Registration Best Practices for Your Channel Partners
Deal registration continues to be the number one reason that we see our customers implement Partner Communities. Several years back, my colleague Jason Dickinson wrote an excellent blog about three different ways that you can implement Deal Registration in Salesforce that still rings true today. Here, I will focus on three deal registration best practices that […]
Focus on Partner Experience in your Community
Digital communities result in 43 percent increase in partner sales, according to recent research from Salesforce. Channel Managers know that their partners are busy; most of the time, working with your company is not their full-time job. In fact, they may also work with your competitor so it is critical to make it as […]
Why Channel Teams Choose Salesforce
Are you looking for better ways to engage and enable your partners? Do you want to reduce channel conflict and get better insight into your pipeline? Are you struggling to get a 360-degree view of your partners due to managing your channel business in multiple systems or perhaps (gasp!) on Excel spreadsheets? Do you […]
5 Hot CRM Initiatives in the High-Tech Industry
High-tech business is hot right now. In an industry flooded with news of new tech gadgets, start-ups and the next wave of cloud innovation, one thing is for sure – change is constant. As the competitive landscape continues to shift, high-tech companies must continue to be one step ahead of the competition and their customers […]