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Posts Tagged ‘Oil and Gas Companies’

Oil Refinery At Twilight

Perficient Recognized as Oil and Gas Industry Provider Transforming Leading Companies

In the face of electrification, evolving consumer behavior and expectations, sustainability initiatives, regulatory pressures, and geopolitical volatility, oil and gas companies are being challenged to shift their approach and innovate to stay competitive. While there’s a continued focus on the digital experience for customers especially in the downstream sector, companies are also pressured to address […]

Team Inspection Engineers Working With Laptop Of Oil Factory And Gas Refinery Plant Industry At Night For Inspector Safety Quality Control.

Energy Organizations Seek Cross-Industry Solutions to Stay Competitive

 Broad changes are underway in energy and utilities organizations, many influenced by trends from other sectors. These shifts are pushing companies in utilities and oil and gas to rethink their approaches, creating new cross-industry dependencies and consumer interactions. Working to Accommodate Changing Consumer Behaviors Energy companies are responding to evolving consumer behavior. In utilities, […]