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Posts Tagged ‘Information Governance’

Governing the Cloud Analytics…

The new trend in the Analytics world, Cloud Analytics is slowly becoming a norm. Except for the Cloud tag, companies have used Cloud or External Analytics for a long time. Historically Campaign Management has been part outsourced, part managed by Marketing, using external data besides ‘Enterprise Data’. Traditional Data Vendors / Credit Score providers like […]

Myths & Realities of Self-Service BI

Myths & Realities of Self-Service BI The popularity of Data Visualization tools and the Cloud BI offerings are new forces to reckon with. I find it interesting to see how the perception Vs usage of these tools in reality. Traditionally IT likes the control and centralized management for obvious reasons of accountability and quality of […]

Data Science = Synergistic Teamwork

Data science is a discipline conflating elements from various fields such as mathematics, machine learning, statistics, computer programming, data warehousing, pattern recognition, uncertainty modeling, computer science, high performance computing, visualization and others. According to Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt, two luminaries in the field of Data Science, there are about seven disciplines that even data scientists in training […]

Disruptive Scalability

The personal computer, internet, digital music players (think ipods), smart phones, tablets are just a few of the disruptive technologies that have become common place in our lifetime.   What is consistent about these technology disruptions is that they all have changed the way we work, live, and play.  Whole industries have grown up around these technologies.   […]

Web analytics and Enterprise data…

I was looking at the market share of  Google Analytics (GA) and it is definitely on the rise. So I was curious to see the capabilities and what this tool can do. Of course it is a great campaign management tool. It’s been a while since I worked on campaign management. I wanted to know […]

Is IT ready for Innovation in Information Management ?

Information Technology (IT) has come a long way from being a delivery organization to an organization part of business innovation strategy, though a lot has to change in the coming years. Depending on the industry and the company culture, IT organization will mostly fall in the operational spectrum and a lot of progressive ones are  […]

SAP HANA – A ‘Big Data’ Enabler

Some interesting facts and figures for your consideration: 90% – of stored data in the world today was created in the past 2 years 50% – annual data growth rate 34,000 – tweets sent each minute 9,000,000 – daily Amazon orders 7,000,000,000 – daily Google Page Views 2.5 Exabyte – amount of data created every day (an Exabyte […]

More on the MDM platform…

Picking up from my earlier blog post, there are two kinds of MDM tool types, one targets specific domain (Customer and Product are the most common ones) and the others follow a multi-domain (Customer, Product, Location, Supplier etc. all in one) strategy. Most of the analysis I found are either for Customer Domain or Product […]

Big Data: Integral Part of an Information Architecture

Forrester recently released some research titled “Reset on Big Data” and this research highlighted the lag between IT’s understanding of Big Data’s role within the enterprise data ecosystem.   In short, business leaders were 40% less likely to cite Big Data’s role as an extension to the current the current analytical environment.  This is not surprising […]

MDM Tool Vendor Landscape

My exposure to Master Data Management as a tool and all the surrounding process, organization and platforms dates back to 2005 in one form or another. MDM as a tool and its expected functionality are evolving constantly. I was curious to see what MDM tools and vendor landscape looked like in 2006 compared to MDM […]

Stages of MDM…

MDM is a popular topic and many organizations are in different stages of MDM journey. Many times clients (primarily IT) want to engage consultants who can recommend a MDM tool and start the implementation, bypassing the Planning / Pre-planning stages. Typically this leads to a MDM solution which is not thought through completely or end […]

Innovation in IT?

 I was reading the interview of Jamie Miller, the new CIO of General Electric.  Please do check out the interview. Some of the key focus areas she was describing are: Innovation Simplification Employee experience Cyber security Investing in our IT talent   The innovation explained in this interview revolves around the mobile technology, and big […]

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