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Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Google Plus' Value as a Search Ranking Tool

I just read an interesting article about Google Plus as a search ranking tool by Kelvin Newman. He posted it back in July but for it’s age it’s still very interesting.  I’ve wondered myself why Google decided to join the fray and compete against a facebook behemoth that already has the advantage of millions of […]

Google Plus’ Value as a Search Ranking Tool

I just read an interesting article about Google Plus as a search ranking tool by Kelvin Newman. He posted it back in July but for it’s age it’s still very interesting.  I’ve wondered myself why Google decided to join the fray and compete against a facebook behemoth that already has the advantage of millions of […]

5 Google Paid Search Products You Need to Know

For many digital marketers, the Fall of 2011 might be remembered for bringing dynamic advertising to paid search. Google’s newest offering, said to flip “the search engine on its head,” does away with the traditional keyword advertising approach in lieu of matching landing pages with the right user search. Dynamic Search Ads is just one […]

Page Rank Demystified

The Page Rank Algorithm Google Page Rank is a system used by Google for measuring the number and quality of links onto a web site. Originally defined in a thesis by the Google founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Page Rank has become the source of much confusion and myth. Many webmasters and SEOs are […]


Google Co-Op Overview

Article Abstract This article provides a high-level overview of Google’s new service, Google Co-op. The purpose of the article is to help individuals better understand what Google Co-Op is, how they can use it, and what they will see. This article is intended to be an overview in nature. Other articles go into more detail […]


Google’s Ajax Search API

“What’s at your fingertips here is a way to build entirely new search environments, and base them on the Google index.” One of the things that I learned about recently is the Ajax search API from Google. This is a cool new tool that has gotten little publicity so far, but really offers a lot […]


Software-based Firms Lead the Economy

Software is eating the world. About a month ago Marc Andreessen, part-owner of venture capital firm Andreessen-Horowitz, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal entitled Why Software is Eating the World in which he stated that, although the overall stock market and economy have tumbled recently, the United States is still in a favorable […]

Google Announces Plans To Bake Android-Like Web Intents Into Chrome

Tech Crunch has an article about new plans for embedding new functionality into the browser.  Actually both Google and Mozilla are working on putting “web intents” into their browsers. Today, Google has announced that it’s planning to integrate Web Intents into Chrome. The news comes on the heels of Mozilla’s announcement last month that it […]

Omnifind 9.1 – a brand new search

Admittedly, search hasn’t been IBM’s game for a bit.  Slowly over the years we have seen their search product, Omnifind, come together and now with 9.1 it all changes – for the better.   I have reviewed pretty much every major player in the search market from Autonomy to Google to Endeca to Lucene and […]

How Google+ Has Already Changed My Social Media Habits

As a social media specialist, I have a professional obligation to jump on board when a new platform launches. But I was skeptical of Google+. Did I really need a new social presence? I was already experiencing a little personal-brand social fatigue. But while researching Google+, something amazing happened—the circles got me. I couldn’t stop […]

The Future of Mobile Payments has an article about the future of mobile payments.  It’s an interesting article that tells you more about where it’s headed.   Both Google and ebay think it’s important.  My favorite is the list of contenders.

12 Things You Shouldn’t Do on a Portal Project: #7 Is Best of Breed Always Best

Doubtless you all have heard or participated in the best of breed vs the one vendor stack debate.  I can lean both ways on that debate depending on what kind of solution you need.   There is a time and place for both approaches.  However, sometimes it’s far too easy to get caught up in the […]

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