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Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Add last access time support to File System connector 3.x for SMB content

Quite often we need have last access time for File share content. Google File System connector 3.x does not support it out of the box. Since Google engineers already added retrieving the information to JCIFS code base to reset last access time for SMB content  (yes, Google connector is using a modified version of JCIFS), […]

Plexi: GSA adaptors for non-HTTP content repositories

The Google Search Appliance has historically required Connectors to facilitate the indexing of non-HTTP content repositories.  A Connector is a program that sits between the GSA and a repository, and pushes the GSA everything it needed to know to index the repository (including the content, metadata, and security information).  A Connector can use any technique to interrogate the repository […]

GSA UI: Should I use the on-board XSLT engine?

Out of the Box The Google Search Appliance ships with a full-function — but no thrills — XSL template (XSLT) that we refer to as the ‘out of the box’ user interface.  It looks a little bit like did a few years ago – lots of blue and white, and very few graphics.  But […]

Mirroring your Google Search Appliance

GSA Mirroring, or GSA^n, is simply the ability to link two or more appliances together so that they share the same configuration and search index. This article is an introduction to this powerful technique that should be in every search administrator’s toolkit. The most common reason for mirroring is high availability. A mirror appliance can […]

Staffing a successful Google Search Appliance implementation

Congratulations, you have either purchased or are interested in purchasing the Google Search Appliance.  You will soon be able to search until your heart is content.  Your friends will be jealous. Now might be a good time to think about the staff required to deploy and maintain your cool new toy investment. The Google Search Appliance, being […]

Finding your Organization’s Hidden Metadata

If you read Chad Johnson’s recent post, Why do I need metadata?, you may be thinking: “Metadata sounds great in theory but the level of effort is too high!” I won’t deny the value of metadata entered carefully by hand, but it can be very labor-intensive to do this for large body of content. Fortunately, with Google Search Appliance […]

Cisco WebEx Social Bites the Dust

Cisco has been a long-time major player in unified communications in the workplace.  Several years ago Cisco started making noise in the social collaboration marketplace.  Cisco had the bright idea to marry their strong telecommunications and conferencing capabilities with enterprise social networking and introduced Cisco Quad.  Quad promised to bring web conferencing, instant messaging, telephony, activity […]

Where does metadata come from?

In my last post, I discussed several ways that metadata can be used in a Google Search Appliance solution.  But where does metadata come from? Let’s hold on to that question for just a second, and start with an even simpler one. What is metadata? Every record in a Google Search Appliance (such a document, a web page)  […]

What’s trending with Enterprise Search?

Enterprise search tools have been around for many years and it is the easiest way for us be more productive by uncovering the value of information assets stored in our databases and file shares. Then why are there so many studies and articles showing that knowledge workers spend at least 15 to 25%of their workday searching […]

Why do I need metadata?

When architecting Google Search Appliance implementations, I am often asked if additional metadata needs to be loaded into the GSA for the project to be successful.  The client is usually considering the cost and benefit of manually or automatically tagging additional metadata for every document. I typically address this question by pointing out precisely how […]

Adobe Summit: The Convergence of Search and Social

Marc Blinder, Director of Social Marketing at Adobe and Jon Beeston, Director of New Product Innovation at Adobe presented on the trend of search and social convering.  Twitter is a great example of that where we share but also search. Theme: Search and Social platforms are converging – which  means successful marketers musth have one […]

Google's Bigger, Cheaper Cloud

I’ve been keen to watch the cloud options evolve because of the huge impact they can have on my portal, social, web content, and digital marketing world.  The bits blog has a good article on Google’s continuing evolution with the cloud offering.  It should be no surprise Google is cheaper.  It may be a surprise […]

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