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Posts Tagged ‘Engagement’

Healthcare Patient Portals: Lessons Learned from 2014

Mark Polly, Director at Perficient recently posted a blog titled Lessons Learned from 2014: Healthcare and Patient Portals. In his blog post Mark takes a look at the challenges with healthcare patient portals, including whether or not patients know they exist and what elements of a patient portal are most essential. Read Mark’s entire post […]

Engaging Customers Through Marketing Technologies

Customer engagement is nothing new.  Customer engagement technology is nothing new too.  Cave paintings were an early form of customer engagement and throughout history, we’ve used various forms of technology to communicate to customers, partners and employees.  What is new technology to have a two-way, personalized engagement with them. Audrey Hendley, SVP of New Customer […]

Using Social Insights to Engage Customers

Today at Customer Engagement World in New York, Jana Kanyadan, CIO of Mohawk Industries, spoke about how they use social insights to engage customers. Mohawk, now with 32,100 employees, makes flooring and was founded in 1878 in New York. Jana started out showing a typical customer journey – today 92% start with a Google search. […]

The New 3-Legged Stool of Success in Retail

I came across a great article in 1-to-1 Media regarding 3 critical elements of the customer experience that enable retail organizations to position themselves ahead of the competition. We remember the days of talking about the 3 must-haves in retail as: Buy Move Sell But in the article titled “The Three-Legged Stool of Retail,” Timothy Hood presents three […]

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