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Posts Tagged ‘DevOps’

How to Decide On Your Cloud Strategy

With businesses generating more data than ever, the cloud is always a good fall back for storage and agility. Reducing operational costs and improving analytical power, there is little doubt that cloud computing is the way to go to optimize organizational business intelligence. As we’ve learned through the years however, just saying that you want […]

What Comes After Cloud Computing?

Technology is a constantly changing, from the latest mobile devices to the emergence of big data in automotive, education, and digital marketing. If you blink, you could miss the next big thing. At Perficient, we often talk about technology in the present. After all, upgrading to the cloud, adopting digital transformation, and being customer obsessed […]

5 Reasons You Need to Adopt Microservices

CIOs and technology teams play critical roles in driving organizational success by providing guidance around infrastructure acquisition, product innovation, and process flow. As the market evolves in response to changing customer tastes, leaders must respond accordingly to remain relevant in the market. As digital transformation initiatives take priority in boardrooms, one area that is growing […]

What DevOps Influencers are Sharing, Summer 2017

Over on our Twitter handle, we have compiled a list of DevOps influencers, professionals who document, comment, and lead the charge on transforming innovation. Here’s what a few of them have been saying this summer.   Insights from DevOps Days Excellent working environments with minimal process: @duretti tells us about truths about team dynamics. #devopsdays […]

Download Our Amazon Web Services Guide Today

The dog days of summer have arrived, which mean longer days, warm sun, and relaxation. While you might be taking some days off, your technology infrastructure will not. Research firm Gartner recently indicated a revision in their worldwide IT spending prediction for 2017, pinning the number at $3.5 trillion, a 2.4% increase from near flat […]

Cash In On Digital Transformation with Microservices

  CIOs and technology teams play critical roles in driving organizational success by providing guidance around infrastructure acquisition, product innovation, and process flow. As the market evolves in response to changing customer tastes, leaders must respond accordingly to remain relevant in the market. As digital transformation initiatives take priority in boardrooms, one area that is […]

Assessing the DevOps Landscape, Summer 2017

DevOps has come a long way in the past few years, evolving from a buzzword to a technical philosophy possessing a great deal of thought leadership. According to a recent survey of 300 enterprises by DigCert, adoption is occurring at an accelerated rate, finding that almost half (49 percent) of the respondents says they have […]

3 Tips for Scaling in the Cloud

Migration to the cloud is half the battle, with scalability challenges ahead. As we continue to help enterprises migrate their workloads, one common question we answer soon after migration is why scalability is difficult to attain. After all, besides the cost, agility, and flexibility, this is why IT chose to embark on this path in […]

Accelerating Content Delivery with AWS

One of the beautiful results of cloud is the plethora of communications and media options available online. Whether it’s binge-watching my favorite new show or catching up with a friend overseas, knowing that the cloud supports my endeavors is quite heartwarming. For enterprises, content delivery has transitioned with the priorities of digital transformation. Where prior […]

Let AWS Prepare You for The Upcoming Holidays

Late July has arrived and that means one thing: The holiday season is not too far behind. With Christmas less than four months away, organizations already in the cloud are thinking about the added flexibility their online systems can take on Black Friday and the day after Christmas. On the other hand, organizations who have […]

3 DevOps Concerns to Address Before Adoption

Customized IT solutions are exactly what they are – a specifically designed project where nothing comes out of the box. As our consultants have discovered with nearly two decades of work, nearly anything can happen anytime, anywhere. DevOps is one such example. Though it may seem simple and logical on the surface, successful initiatives require […]

Free Download: 5 Steps to Mastering DevOps

We’re now well into the second half of 2017, with summer in full swing. As fast as the year has progressed, there’s still time to complete your innovation goals if you haven’t already. One goal of interest for many organizations is DevOps, an agile strategy focused on transforming organizational collaboration, communication, and go-to-market strategies. With […]

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