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Posts Tagged ‘datapower’

Guidelines for Selecting the Right API Gateway for API Strategy

In the past couple months, we have seen rapid growth in the API business. Organizations that were stuck to traditional business models are now looking at API strategy as new source of revenue and opportunities. Most of the organizations are either looking into an API strategy or have already started planning. It’s clear that no one wants […]

Resolve “server negotiated an unknown SSL protocol version” issue

Most of you have encountered following issue while establishing SSL session with Back-end servers using Data Power. 3:43:38 PM ssl error 23577521   0x8120001a sslproxy (): Server negotiated an unknown SSL protocol version Here is the RCA and Solution to fix this issue. RCA (Root Cause Analysis)  The Crypto profiles object on Data Power starting from Firmware v […]

Turn “off” persistent connection between local chained services

I have seen at most of the places that while configuring the objects on Data Power, we just configure the standard properties and leave others as is with default values without knowing their significance. But sometimes this ignorance might lead us to face some critical issues that might be very hard to troubleshoot. I suggest trying […]

Datapower Scatter/Gather-Data Aggregation pattern(Fan-out/Fan-in)

Implementing Scatter/Gather – Data Aggregation pattern (Fan-out/Fan-in) in Datapower This article covers one of the very important patterns in SOA – Data aggregation. The data aggregation can be implemented in Datapower in many different ways. Data aggregation in Datapower can be categorized mainly in three segments: Scatter n Gather Pattern Fan-out/Fan-in Pattern Data/Content Aggregation Fundamental principle of […]

Near Real Time Integration Pattern for Salesforce and SAP

Systems Used: DataPower – XML Gateway Appliance to Authenticate and Validate the requests. MQ – Queuing Mechanism used for Guaranteed Delivery. Cast Iron – To develop integration’s using the In-built connectors available for Salesforce and SAP. 1.   Salesforce places transaction on Outbound Message Queue.  This transaction contains only the following: The ID of the […]

Integrating Datapower XI 52 with Operational Decision Manager

In recent times, the need to follow government regulations and identify fraud to avoid financial loss as become more prominent. This forced companies in financial and health care domains to implement stricter business processes. The need to adapt and build better business process requires to use Business Rules Management System (BRMS) which will allow to […]

Perficient Goes Platinum at IBM InterConnect

Three extraordinary IBM conferences—Pulse, Impact, and Innovate—have joined together to deliver one of the most comprehensive software events ever as IBM InterConnect 2015 on February 22 – 26 in Las Vegas, and Perficient is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor. My feet already hurt thinking about navigating through this monumental event, but the flip flops […]

DataPower’s handling of RESTful services via JSON

In the IBM DataPower world, JSON is the representational format used by the RESTful façade exposed by the appliance. Starting with firmware version 3.8, there has been a gradual increase in the number of ways that JSON payload is handled. DataPower services that will handle and process JSON messages include: Multi-Protocol Gateway (MPGW) XML Firewall Web […]

DataPower Configuration Management tool

DCM (DataPower Configuration Manager) is an open source tool published by IBM for automating and simplifying the configuration and management of IBM DataPower appliances (with the exception of the XC10).  It can be used standalone OR within IBM UrbanCode Deploy platform.  Business partners, clients or anyone else for that matter can contribute enhancement or fixes […]

Integrating IBM Integration Bus with DataPower XC10 – (REST APIs)

Introduction In this article we will discuss about how you can achieve the integration between IBM Integration Bus (IIB) and WebSphere DataPower XC10 (XC10) using the REST APIs functionality of XC10 devices. Since the release of the V9, IIB can now connect to an external data grid cache to improve SOA’s services performance by the […]

Building an ESB Capability

Building ESB Capability Java EE -vs- Configuring a Datapower SOA Appliance Implementing a Java network infrastructure solution versus network appliance configuration It’s not unusual for a seasoned Java implementer, when exposed to an IBM Datapower appliance for the first time to question the technological advantage of a configurable network device. I feel this question is […]

Datapower XI 52 and XC 10 Integration:Encode/decode the cache key

From our previous blog post we have seen how easy it is to setup a seamless integration between the XI 52 and XC 10. In this blog post, we dive into a little more detail of the seamless integration by understanding how datapower encodes and decodes the cache key. Datapower XI 52 uses the URL […]

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