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Posts Tagged ‘Content’

Ad Blocking Is Here to Stay, so Get Used to It

My spouse was pounding on her iPad last night in frustration – rather more frustration than typical with technology – because a news site she helps edit kept crashing the tablet’s web browser. After a few minutes of listening to her curse, I steeled myself against her wrath (which was causing our dogs to cower) […]

Top 3 Reasons Your User Research is Boring

Kara Swisher of Re/code gave a keynote address for Interaction 15 in which she described trends in content. One thing she talked about was the way Buzzfeed rapidly generates listicles and memes from shared media experiences. She joked about trying to apply this lighthearted approach to subjects she has covered–“15 Things Bill Gates was thinking […]

Five Reasons to do a Content Inventory

Whether you are redesigning your website, working on your content strategy, or simply managing web content, it is important to take the time to review and catalog existing content by putting together a Content Inventory. Here are five reasons why: 1. Discover. It is very common for different people to publish content on a site and […]

Calculating Delivery for 7 Levels of Content Editing

All content work is not equal. Several factors influence how long it can take to edit a single document. Let’s review the seven levels of editing as detailed by Susan Wyche, and lay a foundation for how to calculate the time it takes to edit content.

6 Ways to Overcome Programming Roadblocks

Programmers, whether novice or professional, encounter roadblocks and issues every day while working with code. This can lead to unnecessary frustration, hamper productivity, and pose a threat to reaching the product deadline. The following are a few measures that I, as a front-end developer, have developed to overcome roadblocks while working in fast-paced environments with […]

Client side Templating and Performance

A lot has been talked about client side view templates hindering the critical path, thus affecting performance. I have made an effort to summarize the need for client side rendering and measures to enhance the performance. Before we actually jump on to measures, lets revisit how today’s web application ended up being rendered and compiled on the […]

Accessibility techniques for Front End Developers

Below are some of the basic important techniques a front end developer could start incorporating right from the beginning, into a project that has to conform to WCAG 2.0 standards. Hierarchical Heading Organization Make sure the headings on every page of the website is in an hierarchical order, beginning from h1 to h6, properly nested […]

This Post Is Late

Why is time management so hard for this creative professional? I wanted to go ahead and get that out upfront. My week for writing and posting was last week, and I have this lovely plan to write and post on a semi-regular basis going forward. Like many of the creative people I work with, however, […]

Transform Unstructured Healthcare Data Into Key Patient Insights

The transformation of the healthcare industry from a fee for service model to a value-based care model will only succeed if healthcare providers are able to generate a complete, 360 degree view of the patient. In a recent blog Stephanie Banks, Senior Marketing Manager at Perficient, talks about how the importance of leveraging technology to […]

How the Perception of Effort Impacts Content Marketers

People are impatient. They expect a lot of effort to be performed on their behalf, but without seeing that effort they can’t appreciate it, yet they want it all the same. According to recent research, making users wait may create the expectation that what they receive has greater value, and that more effort went into preparing it. For content marketing […]

Searchandising – What we can learn about site search from Brick and Mortar

Have you ever walked into a store only to realize that there is no rhyme or reason to its organization or layout? Just last weekend I was trying to find a dress (last minute of course) for a friend’s wedding. The first store I entered was disorganized and there was no one to assist me. […]

I&I musings – css, Apache, jQuery, web storage and LeanUX

CSS multi-language support Chiuhua Chen, senior front end developer and prototyping expert at Perficient XD, is currently working on a web application that has a visual design supporting only english language. As with every other project, the business later on proposed support for multi-language support. When the application is in another language, spanish or Chinese, […]

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