With businesses generating more data than ever, the cloud is always a good fall back for storage and agility. Reducing operational costs and improving analytical power, there is little doubt that cloud computing is the way to go to optimize organizational business intelligence. As we’ve learned through the years however, just saying that you want […]
Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing’
What Comes After Cloud Computing?
Technology is a constantly changing, from the latest mobile devices to the emergence of big data in automotive, education, and digital marketing. If you blink, you could miss the next big thing. At Perficient, we often talk about technology in the present. After all, upgrading to the cloud, adopting digital transformation, and being customer obsessed […]
How to Dominate Your Marketing with the Cloud
CMOs are under increased pressure to show tangible return for their marketing spend while delivering on an expanded customer agenda. Providing a high-quality experience across multiple channels on a consistent basis is difficult, especially with competitive noise. To keep marketing efforts moving, some leaders have turned to cloud as a technology differentiator. Cloud solutions are […]
4 Trends Shaping Cloud Strategies
Cloud computing has helped many enterprises transform their IT practices over the past decade, turning an otherwise nuanced way of computing into a normalized strategy. With cloud having shown its strength, there are still other trends driving long-term adoption. According to a Forrester Research survey, 38 percent of enterprise decision-makers said they are building private […]
5 Tips to Avoid a Cloud Security Crisis
The main public cloud providers have demonstrated success at keeping their services resilient and available, showing no signs of buckling under attack. Nonetheless, the risk of attacks and downtime are always present and costly. Moreover, the cloud reduces the scope of required traditional security work, but doesn’t eliminate it. Moving workloads to the cloud doesn’t […]
Discovering Cloud Migration with AWS
While cloud computing is an accepted strategy for most organizations, many have still not made the move due to the sheer number of applications and data that require migration. Additionally, there are more tools than ever that make the migration process possible, creating additional difficulties for platform selection. One of the leading cloud migration platforms […]
Assessing the DevOps Landscape, Summer 2017
DevOps has come a long way in the past few years, evolving from a buzzword to a technical philosophy possessing a great deal of thought leadership. According to a recent survey of 300 enterprises by DigCert, adoption is occurring at an accelerated rate, finding that almost half (49 percent) of the respondents says they have […]
3 Tips for Scaling in the Cloud
Migration to the cloud is half the battle, with scalability challenges ahead. As we continue to help enterprises migrate their workloads, one common question we answer soon after migration is why scalability is difficult to attain. After all, besides the cost, agility, and flexibility, this is why IT chose to embark on this path in […]
3 Cloud Application Migration Mistakes to Avoid
Born in the cloud startups have a unique advantage of being able to avoid the pain of application migration into the cloud. With no complex infrastructure to hold them down, organizations can go global instantly and experience immediate business results. According to IBM, 65 to 75 percent of applications could benefit from moving to the […]
Overcoming the Top 5 DevOps Myths
As DevOps grows in popularity, there are going to misconceptions for the innovation philosophy. From understanding the benefits to how organizational culture is changed, many will expect DevOps to create results out of thin air when that will be hardly the case. Our consultants speak with organizations daily who are making the transition. We hear […]
Join Us for a DevOps Webinar June 15th
DevOps has made leaps and bounds this year within the industry and research firm IDC predicts that nearly 70% of Global Fortune 500 organizations will have implemented the development philosophy by the end of the year. If you’re still on the fence, now is the time to learn more and jump in on the action. Here […]
[Webinar]: Learn How to Maximize Your Digital Experience
Modern organizations face numerous pressures in the area of customer experience, including rising customer expectations, organizational velocity, and the abundance of customer data. Any misstep in managing the strategy and execution behind these business elements could result in lost revenue and positioning in the market. With digital transformation at the forefront of organizational priorities in […]