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Posts Tagged ‘Adobe Experience Manager’

Tags (1)

New ACS AEM Commons Contribution: Tag Reports

Tags are one of the most powerful features of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), using tags content authors and asset managers can create secondary taxonomy associations between content. The challenge with many AEM installations is that tag taxonomies tend to grow over time, especially if ad-hoc tags are enabled. AEM’s Tag Administration console allows Taxonomy Managers […] Resizeimage 4 (1)

Running a Local SonarQube Server with AEM Rules

SonarQube is undoubtedly one of the top tools for code quality. By default, it has a whole lot of rules that catch common bugs and code smells. It even reports code coverage! In this post, we’ll look at quickly setting up a local instance that devs can use to improve their code quality and we’ll […] Resizeimage 1 1

Migrating AEM Content with Groovy

Migrating content into AEM is nobody’s idea if fun. Creating experiences and authoring content in the powerful AEM authoring experience is great, but identifying, classifying and mapping legacy content? Not so much. AEM’s repository structure contributes to this challenge. AEM, being based on the Java Content Repository (JCR) offers a massively more flexible content taxonomy […]

SELinux Configuration for AEM Dispatcher

If you are like me, you hate setting up a dispatcher (and revel in the benefits of having someone else do that). One of the common problems I see is SELinux stopping the dispatcher from doing dispatcher things. I’m going to share two easy fixes I’ve found for the two most common ways SELinux becomes […]

Simple Markdown Documentation For Your AEM Components

Documentation Documentation Documentation. I believe documentation is one of the most important aspects of delivering a product, or in this case, an AEM component. If you aren’t already, you should use the Granite UI widget fieldDescription property to add helpful tooltips to your dialog fields. You can also use the Granite Alert Widget for quick […]

Aem 65 Welcome

5 New Features in AEM 6.5

  Now that AEM 6.5 has finally been released at Adobe Summit 2019, we can talk about some of the new features and functions available in the product. Here are 5 new features I’ve already seen in exploring AEM 6.5.   Feature 1: Edit Folder Metadata   I am so excited to see this as a […]

How to Show/Hide Metadata Schema Field Based on Asset Path

If you have not read my post explaining how to show/hide page properties based on a template in AEM 6.4  you may want to stop and read that before this one. Especially the “Granite Render Condition” section as it is the basis for this post. Now onto the good stuff! Banner Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash The Use Case […]

Admin Ajax (5)

New Release: AEM DataLayer 0.3.0

I’m proud to announce the release of AEM DataLayer version 0.3.0, my award winning library for programmatically generating digital marketing DataLayers in Adobe Experience Manager. This version includes: Support for AEM 6.4 and 6.5 (beta) Improved (and less verbose) logging Changing from Gson to Johnzon for JSON Serialization For more details on using the AEM […]

How to Fix AEM Link Checker Issues with Broken Image Links

Users expect an engaging and quality experience on your site. If little things aren’t working correctly, they are likely to get frustrated and leave. Link Checker is a useful tool within AEM that validates all external and internal links on content pages. It shows all invalid, expired, and pre-dated links broken in the authoring environment, […]

How to Test Apache HttpClient in the Context of AEM

If you’ve ever written a proxy servlet in AEM, chances are you’ve used Apache’s HttpComponents library. While a great library, there are not many resources online for how to test it when used inside your code. If you have not seen my post, The Ultimate Code Quality Setup for your AEM project  , you should check it […]

Dispatcher Hero

Mastering AEM Dispatcher Part 7: Securing the Dispatcher

We’re locking down the AEM Dispatcher as we continue in the series, Mastering the AEM Dispatcher. In this post, we’ll discuss gotchas with Sling Servlets and the AEM Dispatcher and a tool to scan your Dispatcher for common security issues. The AEM Dispatcher is not just a caching engine and load balancer is the first […]

Top 8 Adobe Experience Cloud Blog Posts from 2018

Have you ever searched online in question format, only to be blown away that people have posted the same question as you on a platform like Quora – verbatim? Alternatively, you land on a blog post that spells out exactly what you are looking to find. [Insert ecstatically thankful emoji.]  Here are the most popular Adobe blog posts from 2018 – the ones you landed on most often.

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