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Sitecore Bootcamp for Developers: Part 6


Welcome back to Sitecore Bootcamp for Developers! In this last part, we’ll look at some common problems you may encounter while installing and setting up Sitecore 8.x.
If you are just joining us, please go back and read the introduction where you’ll also find links to each other part of the bootcamp.

Problem: Cannot build solution. Invalid reference error.

Details: Ensure the following references exist

  1. Castle.Core
  2. Glass.Mapper
  3. Glass.Mapper.Sc
  4. Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc
  5. Sitecore.Client
  6. Sitecore.ContentSearch
  7. Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq
  8. Sitecore.Kernel
  9. Sitecore.Mvc
  10. System.Web.Mvc

Solution: Uninstall NuGet packages and reinstall.
Solution: Add references to NuGet packages.

Problem: Error loading assembly when viewing site.

Solution: Ensure that the assembly version defined in the web.config matches the deployed dll file in /bin

Problem: xDB or analytics error

Solution: Install MongoDB

  1. Download MongoDB
  2. Run MongoDB Installer
    1. Accept Terms
    2. Complete Install
  3. Create a Windows service for MongoDB
    1. Follow the directions on
  4. Note
    1. The pieces of Sitecore that use MongoDB are enabled by default, but can be disabled.
    2. MongoDB may not be required in production.

Problem: Permission Errors

  • Icons missing from Sitecore dashboard
  • Cannot create a layout
  • Server Error in ‘/’ Application (usually in dialogs)
  • Cannot upload files to the media library

Solution: Create missing directories and set writable permissions

  1. Create directories in ~/wwroot (if any do not exist after installing Sitecore)
    1. ~/Website/temp
    2. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/applications/debug
    3. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/controls/debug
    4. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/override/debug
    5. ~/Website/sitecore modules/debug
  2. Make directories writable in ~/wwwroot (if any are not writable after installing Sitecore)
    1. ~/Website/temp
    2. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/applications/debug
    3. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/controls/debug
    4. ~/Website/sitecore/shell/override/debug
    5. ~/Website/sitecore modules/debug
    6. ~/Website/app_data
    7. ~/Website/layouts
    8. ~/Website/upload
    9. Give modify permission to any of these accounts that exist
      1. IUSR
      3. IUSER_<machinename>
      4. IIS_IUSRS

Problem: Http error in Sitecore admin area


  • You were logged into Sitecore
  • Your session timed out
  • You log back in
  • Sitecore tries to return you to where you were with an escaped string in the address bar

Solution: Remove everything in the address bar after /sitecore

Problem: Error in Experience Editor “Failed item resolve … does not contain a property that represents the item ID”

Solution: Add the Guid ID {get, set} property to the model.
Be sure to follow me through the entire month of November 2017 and follow along with each part as they become available. Thanks for reading, and be sure to leave me comments or questions, I would love to chat with you about Sitecore.
Created by: Eric Sanner, Brandon Bruno, Alan Tibbs

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Eric Sanner, Solutions Architect

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