As you may have read in our most recent “cloud fact or fiction” post, we confirmed that companies have the ability to perform system administration activities for solutions hosted in the cloud. Let’s now tackle configurations and customizations.
Claim #9: Systems in the cloud can be configured and customized.
Fact or fiction? Fact.
Whether hosted or on-site, a configurable clinical or safety system (not all are configurable) can be modified to meet each organization’s needs. Hosting does not limit the ability to configure or customize a solution. In fact, because of the cost and time savings associated with the cloud, hosting could even free up more of the budget for additional configurations and customizations.
As mentioned in a past post, some cloud hosting vendors even offer pre-configured accelerators, which reduce the need for custom configurations, but do not prevent the ability to make them, if a company so chooses.
Up next – our final “cloud fact or fiction” post in the series, highlighting your favorite subject and mine: validation!