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Ignition v2.0 Releases Live

Greetings true believers! If you’ve been following on Twitter and Slack, you’ve already seen that we’ve released a major revamp of Ignition. The getting-started guide can be found here: Here’s a companion video going over getting started with the new framework: Some new features unveiled in 2.o include… A full restructure of our project structure […]

Sitecore Honors Six Perficient Experts as MVPs

We don’t like to pat ourselves on the back too much around here, but when our colleagues achieve something this great, we can’t help but share the good news! SIX of our Sitecore experts have been named Sitecore Most Valuable Professionals (MVP). Perficient now has MVPs in three practice areas, including two of only three […]

Sitecore Profile Decay Rate – How It Affects Personalization

Behavioral profiling, for most marketers, is the ultimate digital goal when it comes to their customer experience solution. Not surprisingly, it is nearly always the first question I am asked when working with an organization that is either using, upgrading, or considering Sitecore CXP. “How do we personalize?” or “How can we get started with behavioral […]

[Guide] Is It Time to Update Your CX Platform to Sitecore?

Adopting a new customer experience platform can be costly and challenging, but the risk of not keeping up with the latest technology could be even greater. When your platform can no longer provide the functionality and flexibility that your business needs to compete, it’s time to take a hard look at your legacy system and […]

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How to Force the Index to Update on the CD Server

The issue: Index not updating properly A while back I ran into an issue where the index on the CD server was not updating correctly.   I checked the EventQueue table and the event existed to update the index but it just wasn’t happening.   I cleared the EventQueue table and tried again but in some cases […]

Sitecore MVC – Use Value Providers to Bind from Sitecore

A few months ago a question popped up on Sitecore Stack Exchange about why parameters passed into the Html.Sitecore().ControllerRendering(string controllerName, string actionName, object parameters) method introduced in Sitecore 8.2 do not bind to the action parameters in the called action method. I answered why the parameters don’t bind and suggested that if you want this functionality, you […]

Top 5 Ways Sitecore FXM Can Empower Your Digital Marketing Team

It is rare that I run into a business that can either A: support their entire business with one digital property – be it one website, one app, or even one blog OR B: utilize a solution like Sitecore across multiple properties, especially out of the gate. To be fair, Sitecore CXP can certainly be […]

Sitecore – Custom Media Items in Media Library Browser

Sitecore has several templates it uses for items uploaded into the Media Library that can all be found at /sitecore/templates/System/Media. There are templates for all media types–documents, images, files, and more. As part of a custom integration project for a client, I needed to add some custom fields on to items added into the Media […]

Sitecore Media Framework – Import Buttons Not Displaying

I developed a custom connector for the Sitecore Media Framework for a client to import media from their Digital Asset Management system into Sitecore through the Content Editor. Sitecore’s documentation for developing a custom connector lays out the process for developing a connector very well, but it leaves out a key step when creating the Import […]

Sitecore 8.2u1 Azure Resource Manager Templates

The Sitecore and Microsoft worlds have been abuzz lately with the latest iteration of Sitecore’s Experience Platform product – version 8.2 Update 1. The big feature update with Update 1 is full support for Azure Resource Manager support for the Sitecore platform. Deploying Sitecore on Azure has actually been available since version 6.3 with the Sitecore […]

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Crafting an Interactive Timeline with SCORE Components

With SCORE, one of our overriding goals is to minimize the complexity and development effort involved in building Sitecore websites. In most cases, you can use a series of SCORE components to build a complicated UI element, using advanced CSS and JavaScript techniques to completely transform them. One such situation that I recently tackled was […]

Sitecore DevOps on Microsoft Azure

A few months ago, Tim McCarthy and I had the opportunity to give a presentation at Sitecore Symposium in New Orleans, LA about Sitecore, infrastructure-as-code, and build and release strategy using Visual Studio Team Services and Microsoft Azure. These are platforms and practices that we use daily in maintaining consistent build and deploy processes and […]

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