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Crush Your Content Marketing with Artificial Intelligence

As a content marketer for Perficient, it’s my job to tell the story of technology and why new solutions on the market are important for enterprises. At the very core, my goal is to provide value as you embark on your journey to learning and understanding the market. While my employer could turn to a […]

DOWNLOAD: 4 Drivers for Healthcare Cloud Adoption

Healthcare is in the age of the consumer, with end users having access to a variety of different resources including mobile applications, websites, social networks, and more for managing their day-to-day health needs. With the rising cost of medicine, customer-focused initiatives, and a shorter sales cycle, healthcare organizations face technology and business challenges unlike any […]

Streamline Your Maintenance and Service Scheduling Webinar

For those that might have missed our Maximo Scheduler webinar, here’s another one that will probably be slightly different version of the Maximo Scheduler Webinar from a few months ago. We have the same great presenters and another informative session regarding how Maximo Scheduler can possibly help you and your planning team. It’s Wednesday, September […]

How to Design a Delightful Customer Portal

Once the governance piece of portal design is complete, it is time to move into designing the customer portal. What you do in this part of the process is important since your end users will be the ones directly benefitting. No matter what type of community you’re trying to build, there are a few basic […]

How to Decide On Your Cloud Strategy

With businesses generating more data than ever, the cloud is always a good fall back for storage and agility. Reducing operational costs and improving analytical power, there is little doubt that cloud computing is the way to go to optimize organizational business intelligence. As we’ve learned through the years however, just saying that you want […]

What Does Home Automation Share with Maintenance & IoT?

Recently, my wife and I picked up a few key pieces of technology for our house and started playing around with them. You might be familiar with them or even have some yourself; light bulbs and outlets that can be controlled with your voice, just to name a couple. Not only that, but they can […]

How to Dominate Your Marketing with the Cloud

CMOs are under increased pressure to show tangible return for their marketing spend while delivering on an expanded customer agenda. Providing a high-quality experience across multiple channels on a consistent basis is difficult, especially with competitive noise. To keep marketing efforts moving, some leaders have turned to cloud as a technology differentiator. Cloud solutions are […]

4 Trends Shaping Cloud Strategies

Cloud computing has helped many enterprises transform their IT practices over the past decade, turning an otherwise nuanced way of computing into a normalized strategy. With cloud having shown its strength, there are still other trends driving long-term adoption. According to a Forrester Research survey, 38 percent of enterprise decision-makers said they are building private […]

Maximo Anywhere: How to Help Mobilize Your Workforce Webinar

This week IBM is hosting another webinar to discuss the capabilities of Maximo Anywhere. Mobility and connected devices are nearly everywhere today. Most, if not all of us probably carry at least one personal device. This session will discuss Maximo Anywhere, the connected / disconnected mobile solution by IBM. Are you an on-premise Maximo user […]

Did You Miss Maximo World? Wait, There’s More…

Wow, what a great event we had last week at Maximo World in Orlando. Thanks to everyone that participated, coordinated, scheduled and worked behind the scenes to make that event such a success! Why would I blog about something that previously happened, for starters, let’s chat about a few of the highlights and see if […]

How to Conquer Your Portal Governance Strategy

Portal management is a key to delivering an effective digital experience. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that if users are dissatisfied with their portal experiences, they go elsewhere. As a result, portal architects must not only take into consideration the look and feel of a portal, but also the governance that keeps it running like a […]

Own Your Cognitive Computing Future with Watson

Several weeks ago, we discussed the power of Watson and its transformative capabilities towards the insurance industry. Well attended, the webinar discussed the simplification of complex processes in gaining a competitive advantage in an industry long wary of technology innovation. Insurance is not the only industry wary of cognitive disruption, with higher education, automotive, real […]

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