Similar to what the OCC issued in December 2021, in August 2022, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) issued a Supervisory Letter outlining the steps FRB member banks should take prior to engaging in crypto-asset-related activities, such as assessing whether such activities are legally permissible and determining whether any regulatory filings are required. Additionally, the Supervisory […]
Regulatory Compliance
An Interview With Two Billionaires In 2042
A metaphorical interview about the collapse of NFTs and what it possibly means for the future. Good morning. Today, financial correspondent I.D. Futchermann will be interviewing legendary finance executive Richard Tan Yu. I.D Futchermann: Let’s start with you, Richard. How did you get started? Richard Tan Yu: Well D, after graduating as a history major […]
Moving to One Minute TRACE Reporting: A Review of FINRA Proposed Changes to Rule 6730
Background FINRA has been collecting and disseminating fixed income transaction information through TRACE since 2002. Fixed income markets have continued to change dramatically since 2002, becoming more global while an increasing percentage of trades are made on or by electronic trading platforms. With the move to electronic trading and increased trade volume, FINRA has been […]
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): You Never Forget Your First Time
Would you trust an electrician who lived in the dark? A plumber who didn’t have indoor running water? A digital asset subject matter expert and program manager who didn’t own a non-fungible token? Toward solving that last one, I thought it would be helpful for our readers to see step-by-step, my screen as I acquired […]
7 Considerations for the Data Acquisition Sourcing Stage of a Data Lineage Solution Implementation
Data lineage is the process of understanding, recording, and visualizing metadata as it flows from the originating data source to consumption. Using a data lineage tool can expedite the processes, however, it is a common misconception that a data lineage tool can automatically generate data lineage between several applications with the push of a button. […]
What Is Not Considered a TRACE-Eligible Security and What Should Not Be Reported
A TRACE-eligible security does not include a debt security that is issued by a foreign, sovereign government or a money market instrument. A money market instrument is, other than a U.S. Treasury Security, a debt security that at issuance has a maturity of one calendar year or less, or if an agency or government-sponsored enterprise […]
Accessibility Testing in the Product Development Lifecycle
Final installment of a 4-part series Recently I came across a comment from Lori Samuels, Senior Director of Accessibility at NBCUniversal, that stopped me in my tracks, “You can’t test your way to great user experience, you have to design your way there.” I completely agree. On the other hand, evaluating user experiences for accessibility […]
What Information Must Be Included in a TRACE Trade Report? (Part 5 of 6)
Because the purpose of TRACE is to help facilitate transparency in the U.S debt market, each TRACE trade report is required to contain the following information: Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) number, or if a CUSIP number is unavailable at the time of execution, a similar numeric identifier. Examples include a mortgage pool […]
The Architecture of Stablecoins
In a recent speech and interview with the Institute of International Economic Law at Georgetown University, current Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu gave numerous remarks on the architecture of stablecoins. According to the Comptroller, the architecture for a stablecoin system can be viewed through the lens of three key policy issues: Stability […]
When and by Whom Should TRACE Transactions Be Reported? (Part 4 of 6)
So far in our 6-part blog series explaining the intricacies of TRACE, we have defined TRACE reporting, detailed the prep work to be done in order to effectively report TRACE transactions, and reviewed considerations for alternative trading systems. Now, for part 4 of the series, we will delve into the details of when and by […]
U.S. Regulations to Consider When Managing a Cryptocurrency Fund
This piece was written in collaboration with Chandni Patel, Director of Financial Services and member of Perficient’s Digital Assets Working Group. Our Digital Assets Team has blogged in the past about the regulatory landscape facing cryptocurrency from a banking perspective (OCC Provides Roadmap for National Banks and Savings Associations To Conduct Crypto Activities, NY Federal […]
Veterinary Pharmaceutical Traditional Call Center Models: MOOve Over
According to market research, the global animal health market was valued at approximately $139 billion in 2020 and is predicted to grow to more than $190 billion by 2027. Even without its projected growth, animal health organizations, much like their human pharmaceutical counterparts, often do not have the adequate technology infrastructure to support or streamline […]