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Vishnu Aditya Ashok Kumar

Vishnu Aditya is a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed graduate fresh out of business school with a dual specialization in Human Resources & Marketing. Passionate about engaging with people and making a difference, he started his career in Human resources and looks forward to his growth at Perficient. He is affiliated with over five different NGOs in Disaster Management, Animal welfare, Environmentalism, Children’s Welfare, and LGBTQIA rights. He believes in giving back to the community in whichever way possible.

Blogs from this Author

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Perficient Growth Stories – Celebrating Excellence!

One of Perficient’s core values is Pride, and with good reason. We’re proud of our work, our colleagues, and our accomplishments, all of which we celebrate. I recently got the chance to sit down and connect with a few colleagues who were felicitated with the delivery excellence awards and got to talk about their journeys […]

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Perficient’s Chennai Colleagues Help Out with The Great Indian Dog Show!

Nestled away in a quiet neighborhood of the bustling Chennai metropolis, you’re greeted by the sight of a modest board next to a neat alley proclaiming in a cheerful tone – “Blue Cross of India – Madras.” Proceeding in, the colorful murals stand out on the walls of the shelter, with a large gate in […]

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Perficient Colleagues Get to Know the American Cancer Society

Hope. Awareness. Research.  These were a few of the words that came to colleagues’ minds when asked about the American Cancer Society (ACS) during a recent event. ACS is one of eight organizations Perficient and our colleagues support through our Perficient Gives charitable match program, which is focused on advancing STEM education and improving health and wellbeing. […]

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Perficient India Q1 Recap: Townhalls, WiT, Giving back and more!

India is famous for its huge diversity, amazing food and magical celebrations- and one can say the same about Perficient India! As summer approaches invitingly with visions of ice cold pitchers of lemon tea, lets take a moment to appreciate the fantastic moments we’ve had so far this year. PAN-India Townhall It would be a crime […]

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Women in Tech – Perficient India Goes All Out for International Women’s Day

The birds were chirping as a bright sunny day dawned on the bustling coastal city of Chennai, India. The hustle and bustle started early as the fishermen brought in their day’s catch and the streets quickly became packed with usual throng of officegoers and schoolchildren.   But it wasn’t like every other day.   The […]

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When Perficient in India was invaded by the Jolly Rogers

Chaos. Unpredictability. FUN! These are the words I would choose to describe the events that happened at Perficient India as we were boarded by a merry troop of mischievous scallywags. But before that- let’s wind back the time a little: Right after I submitted my timesheet on Friday, work done and weekend plans ready, I […]

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The Intern Boot Camp Experience: New Beginnings

As the year approached its end, I was in high spirits! It’s that magical time of the year where your social media is buzzing, your circles are discussing new year’s eve parties and the outfits you’re going to be rocking, with the weekends a blur of good memories of time spent with family and friends! […]

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Cricket, Pizza, and Goli Sodas- Celebrating Thanksgiving at Perficient India

On a sunny Tuesday, while I was guiding a new intern through their bootcamp program I got a message on teams. Not unusual, you might think. Then I got another. Okay, two in two seconds? Coincidence. Then a veritable flood of messages over the next few minutes, even as I tried to keep a straight […]

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Perficient Chennai & Bangalore: Covid Vaccination Drive

As part of its efforts to support colleagues through the pandemic, Perficient India took the initiative to conduct covid vaccination drives for its colleagues. Colleagues could register and get themselves and their families vaccinated with ease in a safe and comfortable space. Furthermore, Perficient reimbursed the cost of vaccination, not only for colleagues but for […]