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Scott Watson

Blogs from this Author

Driving Behavior Change Leads to Accelerated Value

This blog series examines how change management can and should pay for your next project. My past post, explored why some organizations don’t immediately realize the value of a business transformation. In this post I’m going describe how behavior change leads to value. Effective organizational change management is a complex undertaking, and leaders often fail […]


Organizations Don’t Realize the Value of Business Transformations

In this blog series, I examine how change management can and should pay for your next project. Previously, my post analyzed the demand for value. In this post I explore why some organizations don’t immediately realize the value of a business transformation. A Harvard Business Review article found that companies get only 63% of the […]

How OCM Can (and Should) Pay for Your Next Project

In this blog series, I examine how change management can (and should) pay for your next project. This post addresses the demand for value from change management. Business transformation is a significant challenge for many executives and organizations. Whether the transformation is a large ERP implementation, shared services, applying new methodologies to product development, or […]

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