In my prior post, A Short Experiment with the Amazon Connect User API, I created an Express web application to explore using the Amazon Connect User API. Since then, Amazon has released new API methods for updating contact attributes and viewing queue metrics. In this post, I update the Express app to demo these new methods. […]
Peter Miller
Peter Miller is a Solutions Architect at Perficient focused on call center solutions including Amazon Connect

Blogs from this Author
A Short Experiment with the Amazon Connect User API
At the end of July, Amazon introduced the User Management API to Amazon Connect. The User API opens the door for customers and partners to start scripting user setup and maintenance actions, create custom user management applications and modify user data from Lambda functions. For this post, I took a few hours to code up […]
Amazon Connect Streams API Changelog #4: July & August 2018
Amazon Connect Streams API (Streams) allows developers to create custom agent experiences for Amazon Connect. The code for Streams is hosted in GitHub and open for community contributions in the form of pull requests. This is the fourth installment of my running series covering changes to the Streams API. Prior installments can be found here: […]
Amazon Connect Streams API Changelog #3: June 2018
Amazon Connect Streams API (Streams) allows developers to create custom agent experiences for Amazon Connect. The code for Streams is hosted in Github and open for community contributions in the form of pull requests. This is the third installment of my running series covering changes to the Streams API. Prior installments can be found here: […]
Single Sign-On With Amazon Connect And Azure Active Directory
On March 30, 2018, Amazon announced the general availability of Amazon Connect federated single sign-on using SAML 2.0, stating, “You can enable federated access and controls via any SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider, such as Microsoft Active Directory Services, Okta, Ping Identity, and Shibboleth. Once this is done, agents and managers can sign in to […]
Amazon Connect Streams API Changelog #2: Open Pull Requests
In my last post, I reviewed the recent changes (approved pull requests) to the Amazon Connect Streams API (Streams). In this post, I’m taking a look at the open pull requests, i.e., changes suggested by Amazon and community members. As of June 1, 2018, there are four open pull requests: PR #21: Corrects the name […]
Amazon Connect Streams API Changelog #1: Through May 2018
Amazon Connect Streams API (Streams) allows developers to create custom agent experiences for Amazon Connect. Since my introductory posts back in late 2017 there have been several changes to Streams, some from the community, some directly from Amazon. These changes are managed as pull requests. This post will review approved pull requests from November 2017 […]
Automation, CloudFormation and Amazon Connect
CloudFormation is a tool from Amazon used to automate the deployment of AWS services. In this post, we’ll cover some tips and tricks for using CloudFormation to automate deploying Amazon Lambda functions for Amazon Connect. This automation is repeatable, testable and far less error prone than asking a person to do it all by hand. […]
Keeping Lambdas Warm in Amazon Connect
One of Amazon Connect’s strengths is the ability to use Amazon Lambda in contact flows to access other AWS services and external systems. Some common use cases are looking up accounts in an external CRM, storing contact data in Amazon DynamoDB or sending emails using Amazon SES or Amazon SNS. To keep contact flows responsive, […]
More natural text to speech with SSML and Amazon Connect
Within Amazon Connect we can build engaging contact flows that use Amazon Polly to prompt callers with text to speech utterances. Amazon Polly produces natural sounding speech using deep learning technologies. This is not your old-school and often cringe worthy “robot” voice. With that said, let’s look at a few scenarios where we can delight […]
Amazon Connect JavaScript Libraries: Lily CCP, Streams and connect-rtc
Quick post here to describe the various JavaScript libraries that you may run into doing custom Amazon Connect development. Lily CCP When you load the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP), it loads a JavaScript library called Lily CCP that contains all the code needed to work with the Amazon Connect CTI Web Service and […]
Amazon Connect: Softphone Info and Incoming Calls
In a previous post on the connect-rtc.js library for Amazon Connect (, I mentioned that this library needs the “softphone media info” from the Streams API to be able to establish a WebRTC call between the agent and the caller. Let’s take a look at what this softphone media info is and why connect-rtc.js needs […]