I’m very excited to introduce another panelist for our Extending SharePoint with ISV’s panel session at 3pm on Tuesday October 4th at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Mike Fitzmaurice aka @mikefitz from Nintex! Mike Fitzmaurice is the Vice President of Product Technology for Nintex, a global company committed to delivering out-of-box productivity solutions built […]
Liza Sisler
I am passionate about connecting people and information and fascinated by the evolution of social business solutions and cloud adoption. I currently lead Perficient's Partner & Industry Marketing team and am fortunate to work with incredibly talented people sharing the stories, accomplishments and insights of the Perficient team.
Connect with Liza

Blogs from this Author
Meet #SharePoint Conference Panelist @danholme #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m very excited to introduce another panelist for our Extending SharePoint with ISV’s panel session at 3pm PST on Tuesday October 4th at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Dan Holme aka @danholme. As AvePoint’s Chief SharePoint Evangelist, Dan Holme utilizes both his expertise in Microsoft technologies and proven experience solving customers’ IT business challenges […]
Meet #SharePoint Conference Panelist @brettlonsdale #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m very excited to introduce a panelist for our Extending SharePoint with ISV’s panel session at 3pm PST on Tuesday October 4th at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Brett Lonsdale aka @brettlonsdale. Brett Lonsdale (co-founder of Lightning Tools) is a SharePoint developer based out of the United Kingdom. Brett is known throughout the SharePoint […]
Meet #SharePoint Conference Panelist @porteronportal #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m very excited to introduce another panelist for our Business Value of SharePoint panel session at 3pm PST on Monday October 3rd at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Mike Porter aka @porteronportal! Mike is an active blogger & speaker on Portal technologies. He’s a very engaging speaker and always has great insight. Mike leverages […]
Announcing #SharePoint Conference Panelist @EUSP #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m very excited to introduce another panelist for our Business Value of SharePoint panel session at 3pm PST Monday October 3rd at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Mark Miller aka @EUSP! Mark is a very active member of the SharePoint Community and a frequent speaker worldwide. Mark Miller is a founding member of NothingButSharePoint.com, Founder and […]
SharePoint Conference Panelist @meetdux #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m very excited to introduce another panelist for our Business Value of SharePoint panel session at 3pm PST on Monday October 3rd at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California. Dux Raymond Sy aka @meetdux! Dux is a very active member of the SharePoint Community and a frequent speaker worldwide. I had the great fortune of presenting a panel […]
SharePoint Conference panelist @WonderLaura #spc11 #spcRockstars
I’m thrilled to share the identity of one of our panelists for our Business Value of SharePoint Panel session on Monday October 3rd from 3pm to 3.30pm PST in the Perficient booth (#801) at the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California – Laura Rogers aka @WonderLaura! I’m a big fan of Laura’s – she’s a frequent participant in the […]
SharePoint Conference Rockstars! #spc11 #spcRockstars
As the Perficient team gears up for the SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, we are looking forward to seeing many members of the SharePoint Community. We’ll have a lot of activities occuring in and around our booth (#801) encompassing our theme of SharePoint Conference Rockstars! We’ll also be updating our Conference Page with information on recorded booth […]
Regina Holliday & The Art of HealthVault
Last week I attended the Microsoft Connected Health Conference in Chicago, I was invited to guest blog at the conference by the Microsoft Partner team and you can read my Day 1 and Day 2 recaps. A highlight of the conference for me was finally meeting the marvelous Regina Holliday in person. Regina is a […]
Microsoft Connected Health Conference #MSCHC2011 Day 1 recap
I had the great privilege of being invited to guest blog on the Microsoft Connected Health Conference by the Microsoft Partner team. You can read the Day 1 recap post here http://microsoftpartnernetwork.com/News/Permalink/215#fbid=dysGQLqv2ms
Meet us at the Microsoft Connected Health Conference #MSCHC2011
The Perficient team will be exhibiting at the Microsoft Connected Health Conference on May 27th & 28th in Chicago this week. The event Hashtag is #MSCHC2011 – of course we’ll be live tweeting from the event so if you can’t be there in person please follow us at @Perficient_HC and @Perficient_MSFT for up to date […]
SharePoint Migration with Perficient & AvePoint
The Perficient & AvePoint teams recently partnered to co-present SharePoint Migration seminars in Philadelphia and Chicago. The teams took clients through the journey of taking SharePoint from a departmental point solution to leveraging their investment in SharePoint and using it as an enterprise platform. Perficient and AvePoint covered everything from Governance & Taxonomy considerations to technical […]