I recently read an article by CIO Magazine about what can “safely go offshore.” I found the list fascinating, but I’m wondering what you might add to this list based on your experiences? Or, the way author Mathias Thurman puts it: “what I would be comfortable with outsourcing and what I would never want to […]
Erin Moloney
As the leader of Perficient's Dallas-Fort Worth geography, Erin is responsible for delivery excellence, sales, marketing, career development, partnerships, recruiting, and community engagement. She was a founding Co-Chair of Perficient's Women in Tech global employee resource group. Erin is a member of the DFW Alliance of Technology and Women and the Texas Women’s Foundation. Our Dallas-area marketing, strategy and technology experts are responsible for delivering a world-class experience for our clients. Erin's goals are to build career paths and professional development for each Dallas-based team member, grow our visibility and business relationships in North Texas, and to foster an exciting work environment for our employees.
Connect with Erin

Blogs from this Author
9 Questions to Ask Before Bringing Outsourced IT In-House
Many companies are bringing outsourced IT in-house. Should you? Bringing IT in house can be complex and costly. Think about these costs: Termination fees, facility build-outs, shared assets, application migration, personnel training and transitions, new hiring, and software license transfers, to name a few. Here are nine questions that CIO.com suggests you ask yourself before […]
Mike Porter talks about IBM Impact 2010: Cloud, portals, and collaboration
Mike Porter, Principal of Portal Solutions and frequent blogger on this portal solutions blog, was interviewed at IBM Impact 2010 last month. He attended many sessions on cloud, collaboration and portals and presents some of most compelling projects and trends discussed at the influential IBM conference this year. Perficient also produced quite a bit of […]
Addressing mobile communications management challenges
As an IT manager for an organization, can you imagine having to support 15,000 wireless users in 400 locations for your company? Can you imagine that it might get a little tough to provide an adequate level of support to all 15,000 users? Think about how quickly technology — platforms, screen resolutions, apps, memory size, […]
Measuring the Performance of Multi-Shore Delivery Teams: Can it be done?
How much can you save by using a multi-sourced delivery team, where some of the work is done offshore? Depending on whom you ask, the answer can vary wildly. The reason is that a truly accurate answer from a mature IT organization takes more into account than simply multiplying ‘rates’ by ‘body count’. Mature IT […]
Perficient at IBM Impact 2010
Perficient is sending a team of our experts to IBM Impact 2010, starting May 2nd and continuing through next week. We are excited to present our healthcare solutions at this show. Perficient teams up with IBM to offer many solutions for connected care. Today’s healthcare industry leaders are inundated by service providers and are faced […]
Social Networking Implications on Enterprise Portal Initiatives, a free webinar
“Social media” and “social networks” are all the buzz right now, but for good reason, especially in conversations about enterprise portals and collaboration. Many experts are addressing how social media & networking impacts enterprise system installations and strategy. Here are just a few recent articles on the topic: Successful social CRM looks back to get […]
Healthcare IT Video Interviews from HIMSS 2010
Last week, a group of Perficient colleagues attended a conference for the Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS). Liza Sisler (@lizasisler, and she also tweets on behalf of @Perficient_HC) connected with several influential social media pioneers in Healthcare IT prior to the conference and was able to gain time with four individuals to shoot […]
Provider Healthcare Analytics: Driving Quality Outcome Measurements
Last week, we hosted a popular webinar on healthcare analytics. In this broadcast, our healthcare IT practice team discussed why healthcare analytics matters to progressive health systems and took a look at some of the market-leading healthcare analytics products and their associated architectures. We’ve posted the slides on SlideShare and wanted to share them with […]
Physician Loyalty/Alignment Approach: Create the Right Long Term Relationship
In a recent blog post on Physician Loyalty & Alignment, we explored current trends in physician ownership and the motivations behind physician loyalty based on a variety of recent surveys and studies. In a webinar next week, John White revisits this topic with a thorough presentation on background trends but follows it up with an […]
Why governments are embracing portals and online collaboration tools
I recently read an article about how Google is advertising the fact that “60% of the U.S. state governments have gone Google.” What Google is saying with this statement is that many states have decided to begin using Google’s inexpensive enterprise software solutions that are largely web-based: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, etc. The general […]
Healthcare Reform and Master Data Management (MDM), a Free White Paper Download
Lisa Morris, Technical Architect in Perficient’s IBM Advanced Technology Solutions (ATS) practice, recently wrote a white paper about changes in how healthcare information is being managed. She points out that institutions and organizations that offer a one-stop point of contact for all medical information stand to gain in competitive advantage, profitability and market share as […]